SQL Server - 如何删除递归行

标签 sql sql-server-2008

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我有一个 department表,我想选择并删除departmentid的所有引用行和 departmentidparent从部门 ID 表中,让我们假设 departmentid=13 .


Departmentid         departmentidparent
13                     13
14                     13
15                     13
16                     14
17                     14



带 sample 表

create table tbl (departmentid int, departmentidparent int)
insert tbl select 13,13
insert tbl select 14,13
insert tbl select 15,13
insert tbl select 16,14
insert tbl select 17,11
insert tbl select 115,17

;with cte as
select *
 from tbl
 where departmentid=13
 union all
 select tbl.*
 from tbl
 join cte on tbl.departmentidparent=cte.departmentid
 -- the next line is only required because the sample data has parent=self!
 where tbl.departmentid!=cte.departmentid
delete tbl
from cte
where tbl.departmentid = cte.departmentid

关于SQL Server - 如何删除递归行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12502502/


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