android - 如何退出推特

标签 android oauth twitter

我已经成功创建了一个应用程序来登录用户并使用 OAuth 支持发布推文 但我想不出注销用户或强制登录的方法(使用推特 登录)。非常感谢任何帮助。




来自 Ryan McGeary :

The session with Twitter is defined by a cookie owned by Twitter -- something you do not have control over. You cannot log them out of Twitter on their behalf.

If you want someone to be able to use your "switch twitter account" functionality, you'll need to pass them off to the OAuth handshake again, but use the /oauth/authorize path instead of the /oauth/authenticate path. This will allow the user to switch their user credentials at Twitter during the handshake instead of just re-authenticating using their existing Twitter session.

来自 abraham :

You can use oauth/authenticate and add force_login=true as specified in*. This will prompt the user with a login form.



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