- Orchard CMS 安装错误?

标签 orchardcms

我试图从源代码安装 Orchard CMS。我在 VS 2012 中打开它,我使用的是 Sql Server 2012。


enter image description here


Setup failed: could not execute query [ select rolerecord0_.Id as Id13_, rolerecord0_.Name as Name13_ from Test_Orchard_Roles_RoleRecord rolerecord0_ where rolerecord0_.Name=@p0 ] Name:p1 - Value:Anonymous [SQL: select rolerecord0_.Id as Id13_, rolerecord0_.Name as Name13_ from Test_Orchard_Roles_RoleRecord rolerecord0_ where rolerecord0_.Name=@p0]



Setup failed: could not execute query [ SELECT TOP (@p0) this_.Id as Id17_2_, this_.Number as Number17_2_, this_.Published as Published17_2_, this_.Latest as Latest17_2_, this_.Data as Data17_2_, this_.ContentItemRecord_id as ContentI6_17_2_, contentite1_.Id as Id16_0_, contentite1_.Data as Data16_0_, contentite1_.ContentType_id as ContentT3_16_0_, contenttyp4_.Id as Id18_1_, contenttyp4_.Name as Name18_1_ FROM Orchard_Framework_ContentItemVersionRecord this_ inner join Orchard_Framework_ContentItemRecord contentite1_ on this_.ContentItemRecord_id=contentite1_.Id left outer join Orchard_Framework_ContentTypeRecord contenttyp4_ on contentite1_.ContentType_id=contenttyp4_.Id WHERE contentite1_.Id = @p1 and this_.Published = @p2 ] Name:cp0 - Value:2 Name:cp1 - Value:True [SQL: SELECT TOP (@p0) this_.Id as Id17_2_, this_.Number as Number17_2_, this_.Published as Published17_2_, this_.Latest as Latest17_2_, this_.Data as Data17_2_, this_.ContentItemRecord_id as ContentI6_17_2_, contentite1_.Id as Id16_0_, contentite1_.Data as Data16_0_, contentite1_.ContentType_id as ContentT3_16_0_, contenttyp4_.Id as Id18_1_, contenttyp4_.Name as Name18_1_ FROM Orchard_Framework_ContentItemVersionRecord this_ inner join Orchard_Framework_ContentItemRecord contentite1_ on this_.ContentItemRecord_id=contentite1_.Id left outer join Orchard_Framework_ContentTypeRecord contenttyp4_ on contentite1_.ContentType_id=contenttyp4_.Id WHERE contentite1_.Id = @p1 and this_.Published = @p2]


在创建 SQL Server 数据库之前,将搭配设置为 Latin1_General_100_CI_AS
这样做,右键单击 数据库请注意 SQL Server 管理工具并点击 新建数据库 .当您看到 新建数据库 窗口,输入数据库名称,然后点击 选项 标签左侧 新建数据库 视窗。

你会看到 搭配 “新建数据库”窗口顶部的组合框。更改 默认 Latin1_General_100_CI_AS .然后再次运行 Orchard 安装程序。

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