sql - 需要有关 SQL Server 查询的帮助

标签 sql sql-server-2005 tsql

我想在 SQL Server 中编写这个查询

from (
    select DISTINCT salary 
    from employee 
    order by salary desc
where rownum = 3;




WITH EmployeeSalary AS
    select salary, 
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by salary desc) AS 'RowNumber'
    FROM employee 
    group by salary --you can't use DISTINCT because ROW_NUMBER() makes each row distinct
FROM EmployeeSalary 
WHERE RowNumber = 3;

关于sql - 需要有关 SQL Server 查询的帮助,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5994083/


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