scala - 函数字面量 vs 函数值

标签 scala function

试图从 Scala 编程,第 2 版中找出本节的重要性。

A function literal is compiled into a class that when instantiated at run- time is a function value. Thus the distinction between function literals and values is that function literals exist in the source code, whereas function val- ues exist as objects at runtime. The distinction is much like that between classes (source code) and objects (runtime).

// literal
val addOne = (x: Int) => x + 1

// value
def add1(x: Int): Int = x + 1

def doThing(thing: Int => Int) = thing(5)

doThing(addOne) // 6
doThing(add1)   // 6

似乎函数文字也被放置在一个继承自 FunctionN 的类中。 (其中 N 是函数的元数)。他们试图在这里做出什么区别?


I don't really get what they're trying to say here.


A function literal is compiled into a class that when instantiated at run-time is a function value.

val addOne = (x: Int) => x + 1

这就是本书所说的“函数文字”(或 Anonymous Function )。与通过键入获得字符串文字的方式相同:
val s = "Hello, World"
addOne编译器是一个 Function1[Int, Int] , 意思是 Int并返回 Int结果。函数文字语法( (x: Int) => x + 1 )是 FunctionN 上的语法糖,其中 Narity 决定的功能。

在运行时,编译器通过实例化一个类型为 Function1[Int, Int] 的对象来获取这个“函数文字”并“赋予它生命”。 ,从而创建一个可以调用、传递等的函数值。

What distinction are they trying to make here?


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