c# - 如果角色名称包含空格,则无法使 AuthorizeAttribute 工作

标签 c# asp.net asp.net-mvc-3 authorization

在 Windows 域内网站点(使用 <authentication mode="Windows" /> )上工作时,我遇到了以下问题:

[Authorize(Roles = "Domain Users, Domain Admins")]
public class MyController: Controller {...}

由于事件目录组名称中的空格,此 Controller 对任何用户都不可用。那么我可以让 MVC(或 ASP.Net)正确授权,同时使用带空格的角色名称(此处:AD 组的名称)吗?

  • AD Groups with spaces used for roles authorization .
  • How to write AuthorizeAttribute if a role contains space
  • 最佳答案

    创建您自己的属性并从 AuthorizeAttribute 派生。然后覆盖 AuthorizeCore 方法并通过对包含空格的角色进行验证来实现您自己的逻辑。


    public class CustomAuthAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
       private readonly IUserRoleService _userRoleService;
       private string[] _allowedRoles;
       public CustomAuthAttribute(params string[] roles)
          _userRoleService = new UserRoleService();
          _allowedRoles = roles;
       protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
        //something like this.
        var userName = httpContext.User.Identity.Name;
        var userRoles = _userRoleService .GetUserRoles(userName); // return list of strings
        return _allowedRoles.Any(x => userRoles.Contains(x));


    [CustomAuth("role withspace","admin")]
    public ActionResult Index()

    关于c# - 如果角色名称包含空格,则无法使 AuthorizeAttribute 工作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13063001/


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