maven - 如何将 Github 原始存储库作为代理存储库添加到 Sonatype Nexus?

标签 maven github nexus

现在有很多 github 托管的 Maven 存储库。

我尝试将这些存储库作为代理存储库添加到我的 Sonatype Nexus 存储库管理器中,但一直失败。

但是当我在 gradle/maven 配置中将存储库 url 直接设置到 github 存储库时,存储库工作正常。

有没有人成功地将 github 托管的 maven 存储库添加到 Nexus 中?



If you use Sonatype's Nexus repository manager, you may want to add proxy entries to your Nexus configuration for the Sagemintblue repositories. Here are a few notes to keep in mind:

Sagemintblue repositories don't contain indices. You should set Remote Repository Access > Download Remote Indexes to false.

Because GitHub doesn't generate directory listings for raw repository directory URLs, Nexus will automatically block the proxied repositories if Remote Repository Access > Auto blocking active is set to true. Set this option to false and click Refresh. You should see a Repository Status of Attempting to Proxy and Remote Unavailable. Nexus should still be able to access specific artifact, pom and checksum file URLs despite the missing directory listings.

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