graphics - 你如何确定俯视向量?

标签 graphics linear-algebra

这是摘自 计算机图形学基础 通过彼得雪莉。在第 114 页(在第 3 版中它写道:

We'd like to be able to change the viewpoint in 3D and look in any direction. There are a multitude of conventions for specifying viewer position and orientation. We will use the following one:

  • the eye position e
  • the gaze direction g
  • the view-up vector t

The eye position is a location that the eye "sees from". If you think of graphics as a photographic process, it is the center of the lens. The gaze direction is any vector in the direction that the viewer is looking. The view-up vector is any vector in the plane that both bisects the viewer's head into right and left halves and points "to the sky" for a person standing on the ground. These vectors provide us with enough information to set up a coordinate system with origin e and uvw basis.....


这句话是否意味着所有的向上 View 向量都只是 (0, 1, 0) ?



简短回答:向上 View 向量不是从其他组件派生的:相反,它是用户输入,选择以确保相机正面朝上。或者,换句话说,向上 View 向量是您如何告诉您的相机系统“向上”的方向是什么,以便为相机定位。


理论上,向上看向量可以是任何方向,但实际上“向上”通常是一个坐标方向。哪个坐标“向上”是一个约定问题:在您的情况下,Y 轴似乎是“向上”,但有些系统更喜欢 Z 轴。

也就是说,我要重申:您几乎可以选择任何您想要的方向。如果您希望您的第一人称 POV“倾斜”(例如,环顾角落,或表示醉酒),您可以调整您的向上看向量来实现这一点。另外,考虑在像 super 马里奥银河这样的游戏中控制相机......

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