google-app-maker - 为什么我的部署没有数据,但我的预览有所有数据?

标签 google-app-maker

我的预览有效并有数据,但我的部署没有数据。我正在使用(推荐)DEFAULT CLOUD SQL 数据库配置。

注意:这只是 Google 应用制作工具的第 4 天。寻找 App Maker 特定问题的答案非常困难,但我的应用程序正在快速进步,所以总体来说很累但很好。 :{)


documentation 中所写,

App Maker deployments can use the same Cloud SQL instance, but have separate databases on that instance. Data that you had in preview mode is not available in other deployments. You have a few options for how to handle this situation:

To use data from the preview instance in your published deployment, export the deployment data from the preview instance and import it to the published deployment.

To share a database across all deployments (preview and published), use a custom Cloud SQL database.

关于google-app-maker - 为什么我的部署没有数据,但我的预览有所有数据?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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