iis - 如何使用 powershell 1.0 更改 IIS6 中所有站点的 IP 地址?

标签 iis powershell iis-6 powershell-1.0 hostheaders

在带有 IIS 6 的 Windows Server 2003 下使用 Powershell 1.0。

我有大约 200 个站点想要更改其 IP 地址(如“网站标识”部分“IP 地址”字段中“网站”选项卡上的网站属性中所列。


$site = [adsi]"IIS://localhost/w3svc/$siteid"
$site.ServerBindings.Insert($site.ServerBindings.Count, ":80:$hostheader")

  • 遍历 IIS 中的所有站点
  • 不插入主机头值,而是更改现有的值。
  • 最佳答案

    以下 PowerShell 脚本应该会有所帮助:

    $oldIp = ""
    $newIp = ""
    # Get all objects at IIS://Localhost/W3SVC
    $iisObjects = new-object `
    foreach($site in $iisObjects.psbase.Children)
        # Is object a website?
        if($site.psbase.SchemaClassName -eq "IIsWebServer")
            $siteID = $site.psbase.Name
            # Grab bindings and cast to array
            $bindings = [array]$site.psbase.Properties["ServerBindings"].Value
            $hasChanged = $false
            $c = 0
            foreach($binding in $bindings)
                # Only change if IP address is one we're interested in
                if($binding.IndexOf($oldIp) -gt -1)
                    $newBinding = $binding.Replace($oldIp, $newIp)
                    Write-Output "$siteID: $binding -> $newBinding"
                    $bindings[$c] = $newBinding
                    $hasChanged = $true
                # Only update if something changed
                $site.psbase.Properties["ServerBindings"].Value = $bindings
                # Comment out this line to simulate updates.
                Write-Output "Committed change for $siteID"
                Write-Output "========================="

    关于iis - 如何使用 powershell 1.0 更改 IIS6 中所有站点的 IP 地址?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1635882/


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