java - this::myMethod 和 ClassName::myMethod 之间有什么区别?

标签 java java-8 method-reference




thisClassName 类的实例时。

我认为在这两种情况下我都调用方法 myMethod 并将我运行的 myObject 作为 myMethod 方法的参数,但是我认为是有区别的。这是什么?


this::myMethod 引用 ClassName 的特定实例上的 myMethod - 您放置 this::myMethod 的实例 在它的代码中。

ClassName::myMethod 可以引用静态方法或实例方法。如果它引用实例方法,则每次调用它时可能会在 ClassName 的不同实例上执行。


List<ClassName> list = ...

每次都会为列表的不同 ClassName 成员执行 myMethod


public class Test ()
    String myMethod () {
        return hashCode() + " ";
    String myMethod (Test other) {
        return hashCode() + " ";
    public void test () {
        List<Test> list = new ArrayList<>();
        list.add (new Test());
        list.add (new Test());
        System.out.println (this.hashCode ());
        // this will execute myMethod () on each member of the Stream ().map (Test::myMethod).forEach (System.out::print);
        System.out.println (" ");
        // this will execute myMethod (Test other) on the same instance (this) of the class
        // note that I had to overload myMethod, since `map` must apply myMethod
        // to each element of the Stream, and since this::myMethod means it
        // will always be executed on the same instance of Test, we must pass
        // the element of the Stream as an argument ().map (this::myMethod).forEach (System.out::print);
    public static void main (java.lang.String[] args) { 
        new Test ().test ();


2003749087 // the hash code of the Test instance on which we called test()
1747585824 1023892928  // the hash codes of the members of the List
2003749087 2003749087 // the hash code of the Test instance on which we called test()

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