sql - 使用变量时的查询性能

标签 sql sql-server

我有一个包含大约 2 亿行的表。该表包含许多列,但目前只有主键和一个基于日期时间列的非聚集索引。


FROM GenericTable
WHERE GenericDate > '01-01-1753' AND GenericDate <= '01-29-1753'



SET @startDate = '01-01-1753'
SET @endDate = '01-29-1753'

FROM GenericTable
WHERE GenericDate > @startDate AND GenericDate <= @endDate

使用包含数据的日期范围,性能会好一点吗?第一个查询将在不到一秒的时间内返回 1000 行,第二个查询仍然需要 30 秒或更长时间才能返回相同的数据。



Select <- Nested Loops (Inner Join) - 0% <- Index Seek (NonClustered) - 0%
                                         <- Key Lookup (Clustered) - 100%


Select <- Parallelism (Gather Streams) - 10% <- Clustered Index Scan (Clustered) - 90%


这是一个众所周知的执行计划缓存和参数问题 嗅探。

引自this article

A while back I wrote about parameter sniffing, the situation where SQL compiles and caches an execution plan that is appropriate for a certain value of a parameter, but is non optimal for other values. There’s another side to parameter sniffing though – when the optimiser can’t sniff at all.

When a batch is submitted to the optimiser, the value of any parameters (from stored procedure, auto parametrisation or sp_executesql) are known to the optimiser. So are the value of any constants used in the SQL statement. The value of local variables, however, are not.

When the value of a variable used in the where clause is not known, the optimiser has no idea what value to use to estimate the number of affected rows. Hence, it has no idea how many rows from the table will satisfy the condition.

关于sql - 使用变量时的查询性能,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38361164/


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