apache-storm - 使用 Trident 拓扑有什么好处?它与 DRPC 拓扑有何不同?

标签 apache-storm



Trident 基本上是一个建立在 Storm 之上的抽象,它允许有状态的流处理。与消息的 Storm “至少一次处理”相反,它确保消息的“恰好一次处理”。
来自 tutorial

Trident is a high-level abstraction for doing realtime computing on top of Storm. It allows you to seamlessly intermix high throughput (millions of messages per second), stateful stream processing with low latency distributed querying. If you're familiar with high level batch processing tools like Pig or Cascading, the concepts of Trident will be very familiar – Trident has joins, aggregations, grouping, functions, and filters. In addition to these, Trident adds primitives for doing stateful, incremental processing on top of any database or persistence store. Trident has consistent, exactly-once semantics, so it is easy to reason about Trident topologies.

对于用例,您可以通过 this SO中的讨论
查看 API 概览 here


关于apache-storm - 使用 Trident 拓扑有什么好处?它与 DRPC 拓扑有何不同?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19651478/


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