scala - Spark SQL - 从 sql 函数生成数组数组

标签 scala apache-spark apache-spark-sql


// A case class for our sample table
case class Testing(name: String, age: Int, salary: Int)

// Create an RDD with some data
val x = sc.parallelize(Array(
    Testing(null, 21, 905),
    Testing("Noelia", 26, 1130),
    Testing("Pilar", 52,  1890),
    Testing("Roberto", 31, 1450)

// Convert RDD to a DataFrame 
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(x) 

// For SQL usage we need to register the table

sqlContext.sql("SELECT collect_list(age) as age from df").show

 sqlContext.sql("SELECT collect_list(collect_list(age), collect_list(salary)) as arrayInt from df").show

但这不起作用,或者使用函数 org.apache.spark.sql.functions.array。有任何想法吗?



// A case class for our sample table
case class Testing(name: String, age: Int, salary: Int)

// Create an RDD with some data
val x = sc.parallelize(Array(
  Testing(null, 21, 905),
  Testing("Noelia", 26, 1130),
  Testing("Pilar", 52, 1890),
  Testing("Roberto", 31, 1450)

// Convert RDD to a DataFrame
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(x)

// For SQL usage we need to register the table
sqlContext.sql("select collect_list(age) as age from df").show

// +----------------+
// |             age|
// +----------------+
// |[21, 26, 52, 31]|
// +----------------+

sqlContext.sql("select collect_list(collect_list(age),     collect_list(salary)) as arrayInt from df").show

org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: No handler for Hive udf class
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDAFCollectList because: Exactly one argument is expected..; line 1 pos 52 [...]
collest_list只需要一个参数。让我们查看文档 here .

它实际上需要一个参数!但是让我们在函数对象的文档中更进一步。您似乎已经注意到数组函数允许您从 Column 或重复的 Column 参数中创建新的数组列。所以让我们使用它:
sqlContext.sql("select array(collect_list(age), collect_list(salary)) as arrayInt from df").show(false)

数组函数确实从列列表中创建了一个列,由 collect_list 在 age 和salary 上预先创建:
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |arrayInt                                                           |
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |[WrappedArray(21, 26, 52, 31), WrappedArray(905, 1130, 1890, 1450)]|
// +-------------------------------------------------------------------+


您必须记住,来自 DataFrame 的 Row 只是由 Row 包装的另一个集合。

我要做的第一件事就是处理这个集合。那么我们如何展平 WrappedArray[WrappedArray[Int]] ?

Scala 有点神奇,你只需要使用 .flatten
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray

val firstRow: mutable.WrappedArray[mutable.WrappedArray[Int]] =
  sqlContext.sql("select array(collect_list(age), collect_list(salary)) as arrayInt from df")
// res26: scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray[scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray[Int]] =
// WrappedArray(WrappedArray(21, 26, 52, 31), WrappedArray(905, 1130, 1890, 1450))

// res27: scala.collection.mutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = ArrayBuffer(21, 26, 52, 31, 905, 1130, 1890, 1450)

现在让我们将它包装在 UDF 中,以便我们可以在 DataFrame 上使用它:
def flatten(array: WrappedArray[WrappedArray[Int]]) = array.flatten
sqlContext.udf.register("flatten", flatten(_: WrappedArray[WrappedArray[Int]]))

由于我们注册了 UDF,我们现在可以在 sqlContext 中使用它:
sqlContext.sql("select flatten(array(collect_list(age), collect_list(salary))) as arrayInt from df").show(false)

// +---------------------------------------+
// |arrayInt                               |
// +---------------------------------------+
// |[21, 26, 52, 31, 905, 1130, 1890, 1450]|
// +---------------------------------------+

我希望这有帮助 !

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