sql - 从 asp 中错误的 mysql 格式日期生成 json

标签 sql json tsql vbscript asp-classic



enter image description here


dayFrom  | dayTo  | timeFrom | timeTo 
monday   | friday | 07:00    | 17:00
saturday |        | 08:00    | 12:00


Open MO - FR from 07:00 to 17:00

Open SA from 08:00 to 12:00

Closed on Sunday


dayFrom   | dayTo   | timeFrom | timeTo 
monday    | tuesday | 07:00    | 14:00
wednesday |         | 08:00    | 12:00
thursday  | friday  | 07:30    | 13:00
saturday  |         | 08:00    | 12:00

那么,现在我的问题是:我需要创建一个循环(或类似的东西)来创建一个有效的 json 字符串,其中包含所有这些开放时间。


jsonAppendix = "{""openingHours"":["
for i = 1 To cint(hoechsterTag)
    jsonAppendix = jsonAppendix & "{""dayOfWeek"":" & i & ", ""from1"":""" & rs("ZeitVon") & """, ""to1"":""" & rs("ZeitBis") & """},"
'Remove last comma
jsonAppendix = LEFT(jsonAppendix, (LEN(jsonAppendix)-1))
jsonAppendix = jsonAppendix & "]}"






SQL = "SELECT * FROM StandortOpen WHERE S_ID = " & iStandortId & " AND OpenArt = '" & sArt & "' ORDER BY Sort,OpenArt DESC"
call openRS(SQL)    

tageV(0) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Mo", 1)
tageV(1) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Di", 2)
tageV(2) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Mi", 3)
tageV(3) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Do", 4)
tageV(4) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Fr", 5)
tageV(5) = replace(rs("TagVon"),"Sa", 6)
tageV(6) = 7

tageB(0) = replace(rs("TagBis"),"Mo", 1)
tageB(1) = replace(rs("TagBis"),"Di", 2)
tageB(2) = replace(rs("TagBis"),"Mi", 3)
tageB(3) = replace(rs("TagBis"),"Do", 4)
tageB(4) = replace(rs("TagBis"),"Fr", 5)
tageB(5) = replace(rs("TagBis"),"Sa", 6)

'for example: mo - fr   
for each item in tageV
    'save smallest weekday
    if(isNumeric(item) AND item > "") then
        if(cint(item) <= cint(niedrigsterTag)) then
            niedrigsterTag = cint(item)
        end if
    end if

for each item in tageB
    'save highest weekday
    if(isNumeric(item) AND item > "") then
        if(cint(item) >= cint(hoechsterTag)) then
            hoechsterTag = cint(item)
        end if
    end if

还有 openRS() 函数:

sub openRS(str_sql)
'Response.write "SQL: " & str_sql & "<br>"
set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.open str_sql,conn,1,3
end sub


我也在使用 RecordSet。也许我需要使用数组或类似的东西?非常感谢任何帮助。

I can't alter the table nor the design of that, I have to stick with that gargabe


如果要在 SQL Server 中创建数据集,请考虑以下事项


Declare @YourTable table (dayFrom varchar(25),dayTo varchar(25),timeFrom varchar(25),timeTo varchar(25))
Insert Into @YourTable values
('monday'   ,'tuesday','07:00','14:00'),
('wednesday',''       ,'08:00','12:00'),
('thursday' ,'friday' ,'07:30','13:00'),
('saturday' ,''       ,'08:00','12:00')

;with cteD as (Select * From (Values(1,'Monday'),(2,'Tuesday'),(3,'Wednesday'),(4,'Thursday'),(5,'Friday'),(6,'Saturday'),(7,'Sunday')) DDD(DD,DDD) ),
      cteR as (
                Select A.*
                      ,R1 = B.DD
                      ,R2 = IsNull(C.DD,B.DD)
                 From  @YourTable A
                 Left Join cteD B on dayFrom = B.DDD
                 Left Join cteD C on dayTo   = C.DDD
                 Where 1=1  -- Your WHERE STATEMENT HERE
 Select daySeq    = A.DD
       ,dayOfWeek = A.DDD
       ,from1     = IsNull(B.TimeFrom,'Closed')
       ,from2     = IsNull(B.TimeTo,'Closed')
 From   cteD A
 Left Join   cteR B on A.DD between B.R1 and B.R2
 Order By 1


enter image description here

注意: Closed 是可选的。去掉最后查询中的“LEFT”Join

现在,如果您想在 SQL Server 中创建 JSON 字符串,并且您不是在 2016 年,我们可以调整最终查询并添加一个 UDF。

Select JSON=[dbo].[udf-Str-JSON](0,0,(
     Select daySeq    = A.DD
           ,dayOfWeek = A.DDD
           ,from1     = IsNull(B.TimeFrom,'Closed')
           ,from2     = IsNull(B.TimeTo,'Closed')
     From   cteD A
     Left Join   cteR B on A.DD between B.R1 and B.R2
     Order By 1
     For XML RAW

返回的 JSON 字符串

    "daySeq": "1",
    "dayOfWeek": "Monday",
    "from1": "07:00",
    "from2": "14:00"
}, {
    "daySeq": "2",
    "dayOfWeek": "Tuesday",
    "from1": "07:00",
    "from2": "14:00"
}, {
    "daySeq": "3",
    "dayOfWeek": "Wednesday",
    "from1": "08:00",
    "from2": "12:00"
}, {
    "daySeq": "4",
    "dayOfWeek": "Thursday",
    "from1": "07:30",
    "from2": "13:00"
}, {
    "daySeq": "5",
    "dayOfWeek": "Friday",
    "from1": "07:30",
    "from2": "13:00"
}, {
    "daySeq": "6",
    "dayOfWeek": "Saturday",
    "from1": "08:00",
    "from2": "12:00"
}, {
    "daySeq": "7",
    "dayOfWeek": "Sunday",
    "from1": "Closed",
    "from2": "Closed"


CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf-Str-JSON] (@IncludeHead int,@ToLowerCase int,@XML xml)
Returns varchar(max)
    Declare @Head varchar(max) = '',@JSON varchar(max) = ''
    ; with cteEAV as (Select RowNr     =Row_Number() over (Order By (Select NULL))
                            ,Entity    = xRow.value('@*[1]','varchar(100)')
                            ,Attribute = xAtt.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)')
                            ,Value     = xAtt.value('.','varchar(max)') 
                       From  @XML.nodes('/row') As R(xRow) 
                       Cross Apply R.xRow.nodes('./@*') As A(xAtt) )
          ,cteSum as (Select Records=count(Distinct Entity)
                            ,Head = IIF(@IncludeHead=0,IIF(count(Distinct Entity)<=1,'[getResults]','[[getResults]]'),Concat('{"status":{"successful":"true","timestamp":"',Format(GetUTCDate(),'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss '),'GMT','","rows":"',count(Distinct Entity),'"},"retults":[[getResults]]}') ) 
                       From  cteEAV)
          ,cteBld as (Select *
                            ,NewRow=IIF(Lag(Entity,1)  over (Partition By Entity Order By (Select NULL))=Entity,'',',{')
                            ,EndRow=IIF(Lead(Entity,1) over (Partition By Entity Order By (Select NULL))=Entity,',','}')
                       From  cteEAV )
    Select @JSON = @JSON+NewRow+JSON+EndRow,@Head = Head From cteBld, cteSum
    Return Replace(@Head,'[getResults]',Stuff(@JSON,1,1,''))
-- Parameter 1: @IncludeHead 1/0
-- Parameter 2: @ToLowerCase 1/0 (converts field name to lowercase
-- Parameter 3: (Select * From ... for XML RAW)
-- Syntax : Select [dbo].[udf-Str-JSON](0,1,(Select Top 2 RN=Row_Number() over (Order By (Select NULL)),* from [Chinrus-Shared].[dbo].[ZipCodes] Where StateCode in ('RI') for XML RAW))
Declare @User table (ID int,Active bit,First_Name varchar(50),Last_Name varchar(50),EMail varchar(50))
Insert into @User values
(1,1,'John','Smith','john.smith@email.com'),(2,0,'Jane','Doe'  ,'jane.doe@email.com')

Declare @XML xml = (Select * from @User for XML RAW)
Select A.ID
 From  @User A
 Cross Apply (Select JSON=[dbo].[udf-Str-JSON](0,0,(Select A.* For XML Raw)) ) B

关于sql - 从 asp 中错误的 mysql 格式日期生成 json,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43140800/


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