vim - 如何匹配带****下划线的行

标签 vim


1. Really big title


在 Markdown 高亮 ( 中,plasticboy 是这样做的:

"HTML headings
syn region htmlH1       start="^\s*#"                   end="\($\|#\+\)" contains=@Spell
syn region htmlH2       start="^\s*##"                  end="\($\|#\+\)" contains=@Spell
syn region htmlH3       start="^\s*###"                 end="\($\|#\+\)" contains=@Spell
syn region htmlH4       start="^\s*####"                end="\($\|#\+\)" contains=@Spell
syn region htmlH5       start="^\s*#####"               end="\($\|#\+\)" contains=@Spell
syn region htmlH6       start="^\s*######"              end="\($\|#\+\)" contains=@Spell
syn match  htmlH1       /^.\+\n=\+$/ contains=@Spell  "<-- Here is the one I think you want
syn match  htmlH2       /^.\+\n-\+$/ contains=@Spell

为了完整起见,Markdown header 如下所示:

H1 header

H2 header

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