python - 类型错误 : 'NodeView' object does not support item assignment - NetworkX

标签 python networkx


import itertools
import copy
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt    
nodelist = pd.read_csv('')

g = nx.Graph()

for i, nlrow in nodelist.iterrows():
    g.node[nlrow['id']] = nlrow[1:].to_dict()

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-80-35b1a259a02d> in <module>()
      1 for i, nlrow in nodelist.iterrows():
----> 2     g.node[nlrow['id']] = nlrow[1:].to_dict()

TypeError: 'NodeView' object does not support item assignment

[('rs_end_south', {'X': 1865, 'Y': 1598}),
 ('w_gy2', {'X': 2000, 'Y': 954}),
 ('rd_end_south_dupe', {'X': 273, 'Y': 1869}),
 ('w_gy1', {'X': 1184, 'Y': 1445}),
 ('g_rt', {'X': 908, 'Y': 1378}),
 ('v_rd', {'X': 258, 'Y': 1684}),
 ('g_rs', {'X': 1676, 'Y': 775}),
 ('rc_end_north', {'X': 867, 'Y': 618}),
 ('v_end_east', {'X': 2131, 'Y': 921}),
 ('rh_end_south', {'X': 721, 'Y': 1925})]

但我无法让 python 输出 id其次是字典。



g.node[nlrow['id']] = nlrow[1:].to_dict()


这是因为 g.nodes[x]只不过是一个字典。不过,我不确定为什么文档会提出另一种方式。


乔尔提出了一个很好的观点in the comments ,我认为这很重要:

Note - you're using networkx version 2.0, right? It's very recent, and so I suspect that this is an incompatibility from the person writing it using version 1.11. I think networkx provides ways to do what these commands are trying to do without directly editing the underlying data structure of the graph.

所以我的解决方案基本上是通过了解底层数据结构而不使用公共(public) api 来工作的,这不是好的编程风格。

Since Version 2.4 , G.node已弃用,取而代之的是 G.nodes (谢谢你,WiccanKarnak)。

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