java - winzipaes 在 Android 上解密 10 MB 的文件很慢

标签 java android encryption aes bouncycastle

我试图在 Samsung S5 上用 AES 加密从 zip 文件中解密一个 10 MB 的文件,但速度太慢了,这让我很吃惊。我对AES很熟悉,所以我不知道它是否消耗了很多时间。以下是我的测试结果。谁能告诉我这些结果是否合理?

有没有加速 AES 解密的方法?

附言。我使用 SpongyCaSTLe 来避免类加载器冲突,我还修改了 winzipaes 以使用 SpongyCaSTLe。

测试 1
压缩包:7za a -tzip -mx=0 -p1234 -mem=AES256 1MB_file 10MB_file
1MB_文件:1 MB
10MB_文件:10 MB
测试.zip:12.5 MB
--> 1MB_文件:3167 毫秒
--> 10MB_文件:34137 毫秒

测试 2
压缩包:7za a -tzip -mx=1 -p1234 -mem=AES256 1MB_file 10MB_file
1MB_文件:1 MB
10MB_文件:10 MB MB
--> 1MB_文件:1290 毫秒
--> 10MB_文件:15369 毫秒

测试 3
压缩包:7za a -tzip -mx=9 -p1234 -mem=AES256 1MB_file 10MB_file
1MB_文件:1 MB
10MB_文件:10 MB MB
--> 1MB_文件:1202 毫秒
--> 10MB_文件:14460 毫秒


============================================= ===================================

使用@Maarten Bodewes - owlstead 解决方案

测试 2
压缩包:7za a -tzip -mx=1 -p1234 -mem=AES256 1MB_file 10MB_file
1MB_文件:1 MB
10MB_文件:10 MB MB
--> 1MB_file:206 毫秒(原为 1290 毫秒)
--> 10MB_file:1782 毫秒(原为 15369 毫秒)


是的,有一些方法可以加快这个速度,因为 winzipaes 的源代码使用了一种相当低效的解密方式:它通过计算 IV 和初始化密码(用于 CTR 模式解密)来解密每个 block 。这可能意味着 key 重新初始化过于频繁。此外,以 16 字节为单位处理数据也不是很有效。这主要是因为 WinZip 执行的 AES-CTR 使用小端计数器而不是大端计数器(作为标准)。

解密似乎还包括在密文上计算 HMAC-SHA1,这也会增加大量开销。如果您只需要存储文本的 secret 性,那么您可以跳过该步骤,尽管 MAC 确实具有显着的安全优势,提供加密安全完整性和真实性。

为了说明我的意思,我创建了一个小示例代码,它至少在我的 Java SE 机器上运行得更快。根据 Wayne(原始发布者)的说法,这将 Android 代码的速度提高了 10 倍左右,在我的 Java SE 测试中,我“只”看到了大约 3 倍于原始代码的速度。


  • 创建了用于 ZIP 的特殊小端计数器模式
  • 由于上述原因简化/优化解密器代码
  • 删除了每个文件的双 key 派生(D'oh!)
  • 选择不验证 MAC(返回相对较小,SHA1 非常快)
  • 使用AESFastEngine,没关系,但是嘿...



  • .zip 加密是每个存储的文件,因此效率相当低,因为 key 派生也需要对每个存储的文件进行一次。 .zip 文件本身的加密会更有效率。
  • 使用 JCA 版本的解密器可能会提速,而且 Android 可能会在更高版本中使用 OpenSSL 代码(尽管它必须逐 block 加密)。


 * Adapter for bouncy castle crypto implementation (decryption).
 * @author
 * @author owlstead
public class AESDecrypterOwlstead extends AESCryptoBase implements AESDecrypter {

    private final boolean verify;

    public AESDecrypterOwlstead(boolean verify) {
        this.verify = verify;

    // TODO consider keySize (but: we probably need to adapt the key size for the zip file as well)
    public void init( String pwStr, int keySize, byte[] salt, byte[] pwVerification ) throws ZipException {
        byte[] pwBytes = pwStr.getBytes();

        super.saltBytes = salt;

        PBEParametersGenerator generator = new PKCS5S2ParametersGenerator();
        generator.init( pwBytes, salt, ITERATION_COUNT );

        cipherParameters = generator.generateDerivedParameters(KEY_SIZE_BIT*2 + 16);
        byte[] keyBytes = ((KeyParameter)cipherParameters).getKey();

        this.cryptoKeyBytes = new byte[ KEY_SIZE_BYTE ];
        System.arraycopy( keyBytes, 0, cryptoKeyBytes, 0, KEY_SIZE_BYTE );

        this.authenticationCodeBytes = new byte[ KEY_SIZE_BYTE ];
        System.arraycopy( keyBytes, KEY_SIZE_BYTE, authenticationCodeBytes, 0, KEY_SIZE_BYTE );

        // based on SALT + PASSWORD (password is probably correct)
        this.pwVerificationBytes = new byte[ 2 ];
        System.arraycopy( keyBytes, KEY_SIZE_BYTE*2, this.pwVerificationBytes, 0, 2 );

        if( !ByteArrayHelper.isEqual( this.pwVerificationBytes, pwVerification ) ) {
            throw new ZipException("wrong password - " + ByteArrayHelper.toString(this.pwVerificationBytes) + "/ " + ByteArrayHelper.toString(pwVerification));

        cipherParameters = new KeyParameter(cryptoKeyBytes);

        // checksum added to the end of the encrypted data, update on each encryption call

        if (this.verify) {
            this.mac = new HMac( new SHA1Digest() );
            this.mac.init( new KeyParameter(authenticationCodeBytes) );

        this.aesCipher = new SICZIPBlockCipher(new AESFastEngine());
        this.blockSize = aesCipher.getBlockSize();

        // incremented on each 16 byte block and used as encryption NONCE (ivBytes)

        // warning: non-CTR; little endian IV and starting with 1 instead of 0

        nonce = 1;

        byte[] ivBytes = ByteArrayHelper.toByteArray( nonce, 16 );

        ParametersWithIV ivParams = new ParametersWithIV(cipherParameters, ivBytes);
        aesCipher.init( false, ivParams );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    protected CipherParameters cipherParameters;

    protected SICZIPBlockCipher aesCipher;

    protected HMac mac;

    public void decrypt(byte[] in, int length) {
        if (verify) {
            mac.update(in, 0, length);
        aesCipher.processBytes(in, 0, length, in, 0);

    public byte[] getFinalAuthentication() {
        if (!verify) {
            return null;
        byte[] macBytes = new byte[ mac.getMacSize() ];
        mac.doFinal( macBytes, 0 );
        byte[] macBytes10 = new byte[10];
        System.arraycopy( macBytes, 0, macBytes10, 0, 10 );
        return macBytes10;


 * Implements the Segmented Integer Counter (SIC) mode on top of a simple
 * block cipher. This mode is also known as CTR mode. This CTR mode
 * was altered to comply with the ZIP little endian counter and
 * different starting point.
public class SICZIPBlockCipher
    extends StreamBlockCipher
    implements SkippingStreamCipher
    private final BlockCipher     cipher;
    private final int             blockSize;

    private byte[]          IV;
    private byte[]          counter;
    private byte[]          counterOut;
    private int             byteCount;

     * Basic constructor.
     * @param c the block cipher to be used.
    public SICZIPBlockCipher(BlockCipher c)

        this.cipher = c;
        this.blockSize = cipher.getBlockSize();
        this.IV = new byte[blockSize];
        this.counter = new byte[blockSize];
        this.counterOut = new byte[blockSize];
        this.byteCount = 0;

    public void init(
        boolean             forEncryption, //ignored by this CTR mode
        CipherParameters    params)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        if (params instanceof ParametersWithIV)
            ParametersWithIV ivParam = (ParametersWithIV)params;
            byte[] iv = ivParam.getIV();
            System.arraycopy(iv, 0, IV, 0, IV.length);

            // if null it's an IV changed only.
            if (ivParam.getParameters() != null)
                cipher.init(true, ivParam.getParameters());

            throw new IllegalArgumentException("SICZIP mode requires ParametersWithIV");

    public String getAlgorithmName()
        return cipher.getAlgorithmName() + "/SICZIP";

    public int getBlockSize()
        return cipher.getBlockSize();

    public int processBlock(byte[] in, int inOff, byte[] out, int outOff)
          throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException
        processBytes(in, inOff, blockSize, out, outOff);

        return blockSize;

    protected byte calculateByte(byte in)
          throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException
        if (byteCount == 0)
            cipher.processBlock(counter, 0, counterOut, 0);

            return (byte)(counterOut[byteCount++] ^ in);

        byte rv = (byte)(counterOut[byteCount++] ^ in);

        if (byteCount == counter.length)
            byteCount = 0;


        return rv;

    private void incrementCounter()
        // increment counter by 1.
        for (int i = 0; i < counter.length && ++counter[i] == 0; i++)
            ; // do nothing - pre-increment and test for 0 in counter does the job.

    private void decrementCounter()
        // TODO test - owlstead too lazy to test

        if (counter[counter.length - 1] == 0)
            boolean nonZero = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < counter.length; i++)
                if (counter[i] != 0)
                    nonZero = true;

            if (!nonZero)
                throw new IllegalStateException("attempt to reduce counter past zero.");

        // decrement counter by 1.
        for (int i = 0; i < counter.length && --counter[i] == -1; i++)

    private void adjustCounter(long n)
        if (n >= 0)
            long numBlocks = (n + byteCount) / blockSize;

            for (long i = 0; i != numBlocks; i++)

            byteCount = (int)((n + byteCount) - (blockSize * numBlocks));
            long numBlocks = (-n - byteCount) / blockSize;

            for (long i = 0; i != numBlocks; i++)

            int gap = (int)(byteCount + n + (blockSize * numBlocks));

            if (gap >= 0)
                byteCount = 0;
                byteCount =  blockSize + gap;

    public void reset()
        System.arraycopy(IV, 0, counter, 0, counter.length);
        this.byteCount = 0;

    public long skip(long numberOfBytes)

        cipher.processBlock(counter, 0, counterOut, 0);

        return numberOfBytes;

    public long seekTo(long position)

        return skip(position);

    public long getPosition()
        byte[] res = new byte[IV.length];

        System.arraycopy(counter, 0, res, 0, res.length);

        for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++)
            int v = (res[i] - IV[i]);

            if (v < 0)
               res[i + 1]--;
               v += 256;

            res[i] = (byte)v;

        // TODO still broken - owlstead too lazy to fix for zip
        return Pack.bigEndianToLong(res, res.length - 8) * blockSize + byteCount;

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