android - 如何使用 Processing for Android 在 Google Cardboard 设备中显示立体图像?

标签 android processing stereo-3d google-cardboard virtual-reality

Processing 旨在使使用 Java 绘图变得更加容易。 Processing for Android 具有其桌面兄弟的强大功能以及来自传感器的信息。将这些东西放在一起,显示立体图像并像 Oculus Rift 或 Google Cardboard 那样在其周围移动不是很容易吗?


下面的代码在两个视口(viewport)中显示图像 - 一个用于左眼,一个用于右眼。结果是,从 Google Cardboard 设备查看时,图像看起来是 3D 的。加速度计和陀螺仪数据用于在头部四处移动时移动 3D 图像。唯一的错误是,如果您不在此模式下启动它,那么处于横向模式的 Android Processing 会使程序崩溃。我正在使用 Processing 2.0.3 和 Android 4.3,所以这个问题可能已经在当前版本中得到解决。 (虽然我确实看到它在 Github 上的 Processing-Bugs 讨论中仍然是一个悬而未决的问题)。纹理图像是一个最喜欢的卡通人物的 100 x 100 像素图像。您可以使用任何您想要的 - 只需将图像存储在数据文件夹中。

//Scott Little 2015, GPLv3
//pBoard is Processing for Cardboard

import android.os.Bundle; //for preventing sleep
import android.view.WindowManager;
import ketai.sensors.*; //ketai library for sensors
KetaiSensor sensor;

float ax,ay,az,mx,my,mz; //sensor variables
float eyex = 50; //camera variables
float eyey = 50;
float eyez = 0;
float panx = 0;
float pany = 0;
PGraphics lv; //left viewport
PGraphics rv; //right viewport
PShape s; //the object to be displayed

// The following code is required to prevent sleep.
void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// fix so screen doesn't go to sleep when app is active

void setup() {
sensor = new KetaiSensor(this);

size(displayWidth,displayHeight,P3D); //used to set P3D renderer
orientation(LANDSCAPE); //causes crashing if not started in this orientation

lv = createGraphics(displayWidth/2,displayHeight,P3D); //size of left viewport
rv = createGraphics(displayWidth/2,displayHeight,P3D);

PImage img = loadImage("jake.jpg");  //texture image
s = createShape();
TexturedCube(img, s, 50, 50);

void draw(){
//draw something fancy on every viewports
panx = panx-mx*10;
pany = 0;
eyex = 0;
eyey = -20*az;

ViewPort(lv, eyex, eyey, panx, pany, -15); //left viewport
ViewPort(rv, eyex, eyey, panx, pany, 15);  //right viewport

//add the two viewports to your main panel
image(lv, 0, 0);
image(rv, displayWidth/2, 0);

//sensor data
void onAccelerometerEvent(float x, float y, float z){
ax = x;
ay = y;
az = z;

void onGyroscopeEvent(float x, float y, float z){
mx = x;
my = y;
mz = z;

void ViewPort(PGraphics v, float x, float y, float px, float py, int eyeoff){
v.pushMatrix();, y, 300, px, py, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

//put a texture on PShape object, 6 faces for a cube
void TexturedCube(PImage tex, PShape s, int a, int b) {

// +Z "front" face
s.vertex(-a, -a, a, 0, b);
s.vertex( a, -a, a, b, b);
s.vertex( a, a, a, b, 0);
s.vertex(-a, a, a, 0, 0);

// -Z "back" face
s.vertex( a, -a, -a, 0, 0);
s.vertex(-a, -a, -a, b, 0);
s.vertex(-a, a, -a, b, b);
s.vertex( a, a, -a, 0, b);

// +Y "bottom" face
s.vertex(-a, a, a, 0, 0);
s.vertex( a, a, a, b, 0);
s.vertex( a, a, -a, b, b);
s.vertex(-a, a, -a, 0, b);

// -Y "top" face
s.vertex(-a, -a, -a, 0, 0);
s.vertex( a, -a, -a, b, 0);
s.vertex( a, -a, a, b, b);
s.vertex(-a, -a, a, 0, b);

// +X "right" face
s.vertex( a, -a, a, 0, 0);
s.vertex( a, -a, -a, b, 0);
s.vertex( a, a, -a, b, b);
s.vertex( a, a, a, 0, b);

// -X "left" face
s.vertex(-a, -a, -a, 0, 0);
s.vertex(-a, -a, a, b, 0);
s.vertex(-a, a, a, b, b);
s.vertex(-a, a, -a, 0, b);


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