amazon-ec2 - Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) 服务是否允许使用静态 IP 地址?

标签 amazon-ec2 cloud amazon static-ip-address

我们计划在亚马逊的云上运行一个应用程序,它需要一个静态 IP 地址才能工作。但是,从亚马逊的文档中看来,不允许使用静态 IP 地址... --> 弹性 IP 地址

Allen / Posted: Aug 3, 2007 7:30 AM PDT in response to: Steve Isaacson ...

The machine's external IP address is essentially a static address. You will have it until your instance is terminated or until Amazon needs to renumber its network. This could be months or years from now, which in this day and age, is about as static as it gets.

8.12. Can I use a static IP address in my instances?

No. Your image must be configured as a DHCP client and it will be assigned an IP address.

然而,这让我有点困惑: --> 简介

Elastic IP addresses are static IP addresses designed for dynamic cloud computing. An Elastic IP address is associated with your account, not a particular instance, and you control that address until you choose to explicitly release it. Unlike traditional static IP addresses, however, Elastic IP addresses allow you to mask instance or availability zone failures by programmatically remapping your public IP addresses to any instance associated with your account. Rather than waiting on a data technician to reconfigure or replace your host, or waiting for DNS to propagate to all of your customers, Amazon EC2 enables you to engineer around problems with your instance or software by programmatically remapping your Elastic IP address to a replacement instance.

有没有办法让机器实例可以链接一个静态 IP 地址?


在 AWS-EC2 控制台中,您可以关联弹性 IP。这是一个专供您使用的静态 IP。当弹性 IP 未关联到您为其付费的实例时。

No cost for Elastic IP addresses while in use

$0.01 per non-attached Elastic IP address per complete hour

$0.00 per Elastic IP address remap – first 100 remaps / month

$0.10 per Elastic IP address remap – additional remap / month over 100

您可以将此 IP 分配给正在运行的 EC2 实例。
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