android - 如何启动 android GCM token 刷新?

标签 android google-cloud-messaging

根据 docs ,

To protect the client app and app server from potential malicious re-use of registration tokens, you should periodically initiate token refresh from the server. When GCM registration token refresh is initiated from server side, the client app must handle a tokenRefreshed message with the GCM registration client/server handshake.

启动 gcm 注册 token 刷新的步骤是否记录在某处?

我知道 InstanceIDListenerServiceonTokenRefresh。这些用于创建新 token 并将其更新到您的应用服务器。但具体如何做以下位呢?

periodically initiate token refresh from the server


执行此操作的最佳方法是在服务器上安排一个作业,每隔几个月(GCM 建议 6 个月)发送一次带有 ACTION REFRESH_TOKEN 的通知。在客户端应用程序的消息回调中,切换 ACTION 并处理刷新 token 。



The Instance ID service initiates callbacks periodically (for example, every 6 months), requesting that your app refreshes its tokens. It may also initiate callbacks when:

  • There are security issues; for example, SSL or platform issues.
  • Device information is no longer valid; for example, backup and restore.
  • The Instance ID service is otherwise affected.

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