mercurial - hg 服务于 MacHg

标签 mercurial machg

我试图在文档中找到它,但找不到,我如何从 MacHg 运行 Mercurial 服务器(如终端中的 hg 服务),这可能吗?如果重要的话,我在 Mac 10.6 上。



根据 MacHG 文档:

You can use the command line version of Mercurial (via the Terminal) interchangeably with MacHg. You can freely download and install whichever version of Mercurial you want on your machine and it will not conflict with MacHg since an independent copy of Mercurial is bundled inside the MacHg application. (In fact MacHg does this to ensure there are no conflicts or other problems with the users Mercurial configuration.)

您可以使用标准安装中的常规 mercurial 二进制文件来为存储库提供服务

hg serve

并继续独立使用 machg。希望能解决您的问题。

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