macos - 在 os x mavericks (10.9) 中从 applescript 设置桌面照片

标签 macos applescript

我正在尝试使用 applescript 在 OS X 中设置桌面图片。
此代码在 10.6-10.8 中有效,但在 Mavericks (10.9) 中被破坏。

tell application "System Events"
    tell current desktop
        set picture to POSIX file "/development/desk/x.jpg"
    end tell
end tell



感谢 this github project这行得通。
也许 10.9 中不存在默认桌面的想法?

    tell application "System Events"
        set theDesktops to a reference to every desktop
        repeat with x from 1 to (count theDesktops)
            set picture of item x of the theDesktops to "/development/desk/x.jpg"
        end repeat
    end tell

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