cmake - 调试 CMake find_library

标签 cmake

是否可以调试find_library来自 CMake?


find_library (FOO_LIBRARY
              NAMES foo

还有/lib64/在我的系统上。但是 CMake 没有找到它。我查了一下 FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS设置为 TRUE .


使用 CMake 3.17 这个 got added :

The “CMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE” variable was introduced to print extra find call information during the cmake run to standard error. Output is designed for human consumption and not for parsing.

所以你通过 -DCMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_MODE=true--debug-find到您的 CMake 命令。

以下是搜索 libFOO 时的示例输出:
find_library considered the following locations:


The item was not found.

关于cmake - 调试 CMake find_library,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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