google-maps - 在 Google map 上放置图钉

标签 google-maps maps

我需要将用户重定向到 Google map 页面并在定义的位置放置一些图钉。
问题是您可以通过简单的请求轻松地将 map 集中在某个点上:,32.508545&spn=5.959342,16.907959&z=7



您可以使用“我的 map ”执行此操作。

  1. Create or open a map.
  2. Click Edit to enter editing mode.
  3. Click the blue marker. Your cursor changes into a placemark icon with an "X" crosshairs. The crosshairs indicate where the placemark will fall.
  4. Move the cursor to the appropriate location. If you want to dismiss this placemark, press the Escape key.
  5. Click your mouse button to place your placemark. It should bounce into place.
  6. Add a title and description.
  7. You can also change the icon for your placemark by clicking the icon in the top right corner of the info window. You can also add your own icon.
  8. Click OK to save your placemark.

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