r - 合并异构数据帧

标签 r dataframe

我正在尝试合并两个 data.frames在 R 中

d1 <- data.frame(Id=1:3,Name=c("Yann","Anne","Sabri"),Age=c(21,19,31),Height=c(178,169,192),Grade=c(15,12,18))
d2 <- data.frame(Id=c(1,3,4),Name=c("Yann","Sabri","Jui"),Age=c(28,21,15),Sex=c("M","M","F"),City=c("Paris","Paris","Toulouse"))

我想在 Id 之前合并, 并且只保留 Id , Name , Age , SexGrade决赛中的栏目 data.frame .


dm <- data.frame(Id=unique(c(d1$Id,d2$Id)))
dm.d1.rows <- sapply(dm$Id, match, table = d1$Id)
dm.d2.rows <- sapply(dm$Id, match, table = d2$Id)
for(i in c("Name", "Age","Sex","Grade")) {
    if(i %in% colnames(d1) && is.factor(d1[[i]]) || i %in% colnames(d2) && is.factor(d2[[i]])) dm[[i]]<- factor(rep(NA,nrow(dm)),
    else dm[[i]]<- rep(NA,nrow(dm))
    if(i %in% colnames(d1)) dm[[i]][!is.na(dm.d1.rows)] <- d1[[i]][na.exclude(dm.d1.rows)]
    if(i %in% colnames(d2)) dm[[i]][!is.na(dm.d2.rows)] <- d2[[i]][na.exclude(dm.d2.rows)]


这是来自 的想法,使用函数 coalesce。此函数基本上将 NA 值替换为另一个(指定的)列的值。 - 您可以找到函数 coalesce 的更多信息和实现 here

Official Documentation for coalesce: Given a set of vectors, coalesce() finds the first non-missing value at each position. This is inspired by the SQL COALESCE function which does the same thing for NULLs.


d1 %>% 
 full_join(d2, by = c('Id', 'Name')) %>% 
 mutate(Age = coalesce(Age.x, Age.y)) %>% 
 select(Id, Name, Age, Sex, Grade)


  Id  Name Age  Sex Grade
1  1  Yann  21    M    15
2  2  Anne  19 <NA>    12
3  3 Sabri  31    M    18
4  4   Jui  15    F    NA



#Convert to data.tables
d1_t <- setDT(d1)
d2_t <- setDT(d2)

merge(d1_t, d2_t, by = c('Id', 'Name'), all = TRUE)[,
            Age := ifelse(is.na(Age.x), Age.y, Age.x)][, 
              c('Age.x', 'Age.y', 'City', 'Height') := NULL][]


   Id  Name Grade  Sex Age
1:  1  Yann    15    M  21
2:  2  Anne    12 <NA>  19
3:  3 Sabri    18    M  31
4:  4   Jui    NA    F  15  

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