vb.net - 括号突出显示无法正常工作 - VB.NET

标签 vb.net syntax-highlighting


void Example() {
   for (int i = 0, 10; i++) {

for 循环的右括号

for (int i = 0, 10; i++) {
} <== This one

未突出显示。谁能帮我? 提前致谢!


Imports System.Drawing.Color
Imports System.Drawing.Font

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Highlight(ByRef Text As String(), ByRef Name As String)
    Dim Color As Color = Nothing
    Dim Font As Font = Nothing
    Select Case Name
        Case "Keywords"
            Color = Blue
            Font = NewFont(FontStyle.Regular)
        Case "Functions"
            Color = Black
            Font = NewFont(FontStyle.Italic)
        Case "Classes"
            Color = Cyan
            Font = NewFont(FontStyle.Regular)
        Case "Types"
            Color = Purple
            Font = NewFont(FontStyle.Regular)
        Case "Operators"
            Color = GreenYellow
            Font = NewFont(FontStyle.Regular)
        Case "Brackets"
            Color = Red
            Font = NewFont(FontStyle.Regular)
    End Select
    Dim CursorPos As Integer = tb.SelectionStart
    For i As Integer = 0 To Text.Length - 1
        FindAll(tb, Text(i))
        tb.SelectionColor = Color
        tb.SelectionFont = Font
    tb.SelectionStart = CursorPos
    tb.SelectionColor = Nothing
    tb.SelectionFont = NewFont(FontStyle.Regular)
End Sub

Private Function NewFont(ByVal Style As FontStyle)
    Return New Font(tb.Font, Style)
End Function

Private Sub FindAll(ByRef tb As RichTextBox, ByRef Find As String)
    Dim StartIndex As Integer = 0
    Dim Text As String = tb.Text
        Dim Index As Integer = Text.IndexOf(Find, StartIndex)
        If Index < 0 Then
            Exit Do
        End If
        tb.Select(Index, Find.Length)
        StartIndex = Index + 1
End Sub

Private Sub RichTextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tb.TextChanged
    Dim Keywords As String() = {"new", "using", "void", "function", "public", "protected", "private", "if", "else", "for", "loop", "while", "until", "true", "false", "null", "default"}
    Dim Types As String() = {"string", "int", "long", "byte", "char"}
    Dim Brackets As String() = {"(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}"}
    Dim Operators As String() = {"+", "-", "=", "/", "*"}
    Dim Classes As String() = {"console", "color", "font"}
    Dim Functions As String() = {"print", "println"}
    Highlight(Keywords, "Keywords")
    Highlight(Types, "Types")
    Highlight(Brackets, "Brackets")
    Highlight(Operators, "Operators")
    Highlight(Classes, "Classes")
    Highlight(Functions, "Functions")
End Sub
End Class




顺便说一句,你的代码没有取消 hilite 关键字(例如 void 更改为 vo id 保持 hilite)

结果 tadaa

enter image description here


    Private Sub FindAll(ByRef tb As RichTextBox, ByRef Find As String, ByRef StartIndex As Integer)

    Dim Text As String = tb.Text

    Dim Index As Integer = Text.IndexOf(Find, StartIndex)
    StartIndex = Index + 1
    If Index < 0 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    tb.Select(Index, Find.Length)
End Sub

Highlight 程序末尾的 For 循环

        Dim CursorPos As Integer = tb.SelectionStart

    For i As Integer = 0 To Text.Length - 1
        Dim StartIndex As Integer = 0
            FindAll(tb, Text(i), StartIndex)

            If StartIndex = 0 Then
                Exit Do
            End If

            tb.SelectionColor = Color
            tb.SelectionFont = Font
        tb.SelectionStart = CursorPos
        tb.SelectionColor = Nothing
        tb.SelectionFont = NewFont(FontStyle.Regular)

关于vb.net - 括号突出显示无法正常工作 - VB.NET,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36982720/


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