rubygems - 为什么运行 "Could not find rubygems-bundler"会出现错误 'bundle package'

标签 rubygems ruby-on-rails-3.2 bundler

我遇到了与 Gem::LoadError: Could not find rubygems-bundler (>= 0) amongst 类似的问题我假设那里提到的错误已经修复。

我正在使用 bundle package 将我的 gems 放在/vendor/ruby 中,如 Ryan McCreary 出色的工作流程中所述 "Vendor Everything Still Applies."

运行bundle package时的错误是:

Error loading RubyGems plugin "/Users/brad/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@global/gems/rubygems-bundler-1.1.0/lib/rubygems_plugin.rb":
Could not find rubygems-bundler (>= 0) amongst
[actionmailer-3.2.8, actionpack-3.2.8, activemodel-3.2.8, activerecord-3.2.8, activeresource-3.2.8, activesupport-3.2.8, addressable-2.3.2, arel-3.0.2, bcrypt-ruby-3.0.1, bootstrap-sass-, builder-3.0.4, cancan-1.6.8, capybara-1.1.2, childprocess-0.3.6, coffee-rails-3.2.2, coffee-script-2.2.0, coffee-script-source-1.3.3, cucumber-1.2.1, cucumber-rails-1.3.0, daemons-1.1.9, database_cleaner-0.9.1, devise-2.1.2, diff-lcs-1.1.3, email_spec-1.2.1, erubis-2.7.0, eventmachine-1.0.0, execjs-1.4.0, factory_girl-4.1.0, factory_girl_rails-4.1.0, ffi-1.1.5, gherkin-2.11.5, haml-3.1.7, haml-rails-0.3.5, hike-1.2.1, hpricot-0.8.6, i18n-0.6.1, journey-1.0.4, jquery-rails-2.1.3, json-1.7.5, launchy-2.1.2, libwebsocket-0.1.5, mail-2.4.4, mime-types-1.19, multi_json-1.3.6, nokogiri-1.5.5, orm_adapter-0.4.0, polyglot-0.3.3, quiet_assets-1.0.1, rack-1.4.1, rack-cache-1.2, rack-ssl-1.3.2, rack-test-0.6.2, rails-3.2.8, railties-3.2.8, rake-, rdoc-3.12, rolify-3.2.0, rspec-2.11.0, rspec-core-2.11.1, rspec-expectations-2.11.3, rspec-mocks-2.11.3, rspec-rails-2.11.4, ruby_parser-2.3.1, rubyzip-0.9.9, sass-3.2.1, sass-rails-3.2.5, selenium-webdriver-2.25.0, sexp_processor-3.2.0, simple_form-2.0.4, sprockets-2.1.3, sqlite3-1.3.6, thin-1.5.0, thor-0.16.0, tilt-1.3.3, treetop-1.4.11, tzinfo-0.3.33, uglifier-1.3.0, warden-1.2.1, xpath-0.1.4] (Gem::LoadError)

关于我做错了什么或如何解决它的任何想法;也就是说,当我运行 bundle package 时,为什么 正在寻找 ruby​​gems-bundler?虽然这显示为“错误”(不是警告),但我的包似乎打包得很好。

当我在我的 Gemfile 中包含 gem 'rubygems-bundler' 时,错误消失了,但我不确定为什么我需要这样做。

(顺便说一句,这个应用程序最初是使用 rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan 选项为很棒的 RailsComposer by Daniel Kehoe 创建的。)


也许试试: gem install rails -v '你的版本'

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