latex - 如何在 LaTeX 文章中进行完全对齐?

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我是 LaTeX 的初学者。我尝试了几个例子,但我无法完全证明对齐。也许这个问题不是很烦人,你可以帮忙。



    \title{text text text text text text text text text text text text}
    \author {text text text text}
    \center{\textit{ text text text text text text}}
    \center{\textit{ text text text text text text}}\\
    An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. When used, an abstract always appears at the beginning of a manuscript or typescript, acting as the point-of-entry for any given academic paper or patent application. Abstracting and indexing services for various academic disciplines are aimed at compiling a body of literature for that particular subject.
    \section*{\large Preface}
     Academic literature uses the abstract to succinctly communicate complex research. An abstract may act as a stand-alone entity instead of a full paper. As such, an abstract is used by many organizations as the basis for selecting research that is proposed for presentation in the form of a poster, platform/oral presentation or workshop presentation at an academic conference. Most literature database search engines index only abstracts rather than providing the entire text of the paper. Full texts of scientific papers must often be purchased because of copyright and/or publisher fees and therefore the abstract is a significant selling point for the reprint or electronic form of the full text.
    \section*{\large Some theory}
    An abstract allows one to sift through copious amounts of papers for ones in which the researcher can have more confidence that they will be relevant to his or her research. Once papers are chosen based on the abstract, they must be read carefully to be evaluated for relevance. It is commonly surmised that one must not base reference citations on the abstract alone, but the entire merits of a paper.\\




\center{\textit{ text text text text text text}}

不是正确的方法。此\center 对整个文档生效。 (这也是\raggedright 或\raggedleft 的情况)一旦您将全局对齐设置为其他内容(中心 raggedright 或 raggedleft),就无法恢复对齐对齐

你应该把括号放在\center 标签之前......那是
{\center\textit{ text text text text text text}}

(但是,这不会将您想要居中的文本放在页面中间,而只会放入左侧的框中,尽管文本将在那里居中)。做你可能想做的事情的干净方法是使用 center 环境(\begin{center} 和\end{center})
\begin{center}\textit{ text text text text text text}\end{center}

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