.net - Flourinefx:找不到合适的方法名称

标签 .net apache-flex

重新安装计算机后,我在使用旧的完美运行的 Floodinefx 应用程序时遇到了问题。


2013-01-15 19:03:53,616 [27] ERROR FluorineFx.MethodHandler - Could not find a suitable method with name GetTodayView
2013-01-15 19:03:53,616 [27] ERROR FluorineFx.MethodHandler - Displaying verbose logging information
2013-01-15 19:03:53,616 [27] ERROR FluorineFx.MethodHandler - Checking GetTodayView(query(Query))
2013-01-15 19:03:53,616 [27] ERROR FluorineFx.MethodHandler - query(Query) did not match value "Offerta.DAL.Queries.Query" (Query)
2013-01-15 19:03:53,633 [27] ERROR FluorineFx.Messaging.Endpoints.Filter.ProcessFilter - Could not find a suitable method with name GetTodayView
FluorineFx.Exceptions.FluorineException: Could not find a suitable method with name GetTodayView
   at FluorineFx.MethodHandler.GetMethod(Type type, String methodName, IList arguments, Boolean exactMatch, Boolean throwException, Boolean traceError)
   at FluorineFx.MethodHandler.GetMethod(Type type, String methodName, IList arguments, Boolean exactMatch, Boolean throwException)
   at FluorineFx.MethodHandler.GetMethod(Type type, String methodName, IList arguments, Boolean exactMatch)
   at FluorineFx.MethodHandler.GetMethod(Type type, String methodName, IList arguments)
   at FluorineFx.Messaging.Endpoints.Filter.ProcessFilter.Invoke(AMFContext context)



这是 FlourineFX 和线程的一个罕见问题。阅读以下博客文章:

关于.net - Flourinefx:找不到合适的方法名称,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14344333/


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