perl - 为什么这些时间戳与 Perl Time::HiRes 不一致?

标签 perl unix timestamp ext4

我看到 Perl 的 Time::HiRes 报告的时间戳出现了一些奇怪的行为。模块。


  • 使用 Time::HiRes::time 获取时间戳
  • 创建一个新文件,并使用 Time::HiRes::stat 获取其修改时间
  • 使用 Time::HiRes::time 获取时间戳

  • 我希望时间戳被订购 1 < 2 < 3 ,但情况并非总是如此;经常(但不总是)stat 报告的时间2. 在时间戳之前 1..

    我在一个 Ext4 文件系统上。这是一个实验:
    use Time::HiRes qw/ time stat /;
    while( 1 ){
        # t0
        my $t0 = time;
        # Create a file
        my $f = '/tmp/dummy.test';
        open(my $fh, '>', $f) || die;
        print $fh "hi\n";
        close($fh) || die;
        # FS: file modification time, according to the filestystem
        my $fs = (stat($f))[9];
        # t1
        my $t1 = time;
        ## Report how the timestamps relate to each other
        # A. All good
        if( $t0 < $fs && $fs < $t1 ){
           print "$t1,0\n";
        # B. FS before t0
        elsif( $t0 > $fs && $fs < $t1 ){
           print "$t1,1\n";
        # C. FS after t1
        elsif( $t0 < $fs && $fs > $t1 ){
           print "$t1,2\n";
        # D. this should never happen (t0 and t1 probably can't flip)
        elsif( $t0 > $fs && $fs > $t1 ){
           print "$t1,3\n";

    这是让上述循环运行几秒钟的结果。其中底部的蓝点是“正确”行为的事件。通常情况下,我得到条件 B ,其中修改时间来自stat在第一个时间戳之前。

    enter image description here


    更新:这是第 2000 次迭代的时间戳滞后图:

    enter image description here


    这可能是因为文档 here 中提到的两个时间戳的精度不同。 :

    As stat or lstat but with the access/modify/change file timestamps in subsecond resolution, if the operating system and the filesystem both support such timestamps. To override the standard stat():

    use Time::HiRes qw(stat);

    Test for the value of &Time::HiRes::d_hires_stat to find out whether the operating system supports subsecond file timestamps: a value larger than zero means yes. There are unfortunately no easy ways to find out whether the filesystem supports such timestamps. UNIX filesystems often do; NTFS does; FAT doesn't (FAT timestamp granularity is two seconds).

    A zero return value of &Time::HiRes::d_hires_stat means that Time::HiRes::stat is a no-op passthrough for CORE::stat() (and likewise for lstat), and therefore the timestamps will stay integers. The same thing will happen if the filesystem does not do subsecond timestamps, even if the &Time::HiRes::d_hires_stat is non-zero.

    In any case do not expect nanosecond resolution, or even a microsecond resolution. Also note that the modify/access timestamps might have different resolutions, and that they need not be synchronized, e.g. if the operations are

    stat # t1
    stat # t2

    the access time stamp from t2 need not be greater-than the modify time stamp from t1: it may be equal or less.

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