github - 如何找到更多人关注的github项目?

标签 github

我如何找到被更多人关注/监控的 github 项目(简单地说是最受欢迎的项目)


2013 年 12 月更新

发现热门项目的新功能:“More Explore Features”,带有“Explore Stars

差不多 2 年后,2013 年 8 月:“ 探索 GitHub 上的趋势

Eight times a day we calculate trending data into three time buckets: daily, weekly, and monthly. You can change the time periods by selecting one from the drop-down.

time box


You can also filter the trends by language.
By default you will see trending items in any language.

You'll also see "unknown languages" as a filter. Our language library can't always determine the language for the repository, but that won't keep the repository from trending.

Next up, you will see languages that you find interesting based on your top starred repositories.
If you haven't starred any repositories, you'll see trends based on the top languages on GitHub. Of course, we also provide a drop-down for all the rest of the languages.

Languages are always computed based on repositories. When on the repositories tab, you will see repositories with the primary language of the language filter you selected. When looking at the developers tab, you will see developers that have a trending repository in the selected language.

trending languages

What makes repositories or developers trend?
We look at a variety of data points including stars, forks, commits, follows, and pageviews, weighting them appropriately. It's not just about total numbers, but also how recently the events happened.

Why isn't there more than one page?
We want to surface just the top 25. Any more than that dilutes the effectiveness of trending and takes a lot to compute.


jasonrudolph's gists ,包括“5 entertaining things you can find with the GitHub Search API

查询“ Find the hottest repositories created in the last week ”确实按星数对结果进行排序:

# We'll use the `date` command to get the date for "7 days ago"
$ date -v-7d '+%Y-%m-%d'
# => 2013-07-15

$ curl -G       \
    --data-urlencode "q=created:>`date -v-7d '+%Y-%m-%d'`" \
    --data-urlencode "sort=stars"                          \
    --data-urlencode "order=desc"                          \
    -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.preview" |          \
    jq ".items[0,1,2] | {name, description, language, watchers_count, html_url}"

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