iOS5 ARC 错误 : SKPSMTPMessage

标签 ios5 automatic-ref-counting

我正在尝试合并此 bit of code进入一个新的(iOS 5)项目......问题是,我正在使用 ARC,它真的不喜欢所写的代码。

我已经能够解决大多数错误,但是我遇到了 3 个我似乎无法弄清楚的错误。

错误 #1:

Existing ivar 'delegate' for unsafe_unretained property 'delegate' must be _unsafe_unretained

@interface SKPSMTPMessage : NSObject {  
    NSOutputStream *outputStream;
    NSInputStream *inputStream;

    id <SKPSMTPMessageDelegate> delegate;

@property(nonatomic, assign) id <SKPSMTPMessageDelegate> delegate;

@synthesize login, pass, relayHost, relayPorts, subject, fromEmail, toEmail, parts, requiresAuth, inputString, wantsSecure, \
delegate, connectTimer, connectTimeout, watchdogTimer, validateSSLChain;

错误 #2 和 #3:

Passing address of non-local object to _autoreleasing parameter for write-back

@interface SKPSMTPMessage : NSObject {  
    NSOutputStream *outputStream;
    NSInputStream *inputStream;

    id <SKPSMTPMessageDelegate> delegate;

[NSStream getStreamsToHostNamed:relayHost port:relayPort inputStream:&inputStream outputStream:&outputStream];






您只需要添加编译器标志 -fno-objc-arc导入类

enter image description here

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