image - 为什么 .mdb 的大小随着小图像增长三倍?

标签 image ms-access ms-access-2010

我在 Access 2010 中制作了一些表单,并将公司 Logo 添加到标题表单中。此图片为.jpg,大小为70KB。我不知道为什么 .mdb 的大小立即从 4MB 增加到 12MB? (很少形式和相同的标志)也许有一些图像压缩选项?



..."However, embedding images can rapidly inflate the size of your database and cause it to run slowly. This is especially true if you store GIF and JPEG files, because OLE creates additional bitmap files that contain display information for each of your image files, and those additional files can be larger than your original images. In addition, this method only supports the Windows Bitmap (.bmp) and Device Independent Bitmap (.dib) graphic file formats. If you want to display other common types of image files, such as GIF and JPEG images, you have to install additional software."...



..."OLE Linking & Embedding is a technique used by Microsoft Access to store 'Objects' in database tables.The technique relies on the associated external application to store, present and edit the data. In some cases an additional uncompressed 'preview' image is also saved in the table (even when linking). This preview image is used for faster display of the data, or when the server application isn't available. This can cause a massive overhead. If you're storing jpeg images the uncompressed preview can be ten or twenty times the actual image size, causing the size of the database to rocket."...

因此,当您将图像拖放到 MS Access 中的表单上时,未压缩的图像数据将保存到系统表中。这是实际未压缩的表数据,因此压缩和修复可能没什么帮助。


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