scala - Scalatest 'DoubleTolerance' 中的错误?

标签 scala scalatest


import org.scalatest._

class xxxTests extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {
  import math.{Pi => PI}

  "" should "(this should pass)" in {
    assert( 0.0 === 0.0 )  // ok

    (1e-100) should equal ((0.0) plusOrMinus 1e-5)    // FAILS!!!  "1.0E-100 did not equal DoubleTolerance(0.0,1.0E-5)"
    (1e-3) should not equal ((0.0) plusOrMinus 1e-5)    // ok
    (0.0) should equal ((0.0) plusOrMinus 1e-5)    // FAILS!!!  "0.0 did not equal DoubleTolerance(0.0,1.0E-5)"

我在 Scalatest 1.8 和 2.0M4 上都经历过这种情况。


问题:必须使用be ,不是 equal .


You must use plusOrMinus with "be" not "equal". "equal" always compares for equality by invoking == on one object, passing in the other. "be" does different things depending on what object is being passed. So try:

0.5 must be (0.5 plusOrMinus 0.1)

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