scala - Apache Spark 项目的 "./sbt/sbt assembly"错误 "Not a valid command: assembly"

标签 scala sbt apache-spark

我在 Ubuntu 13.04 上安装 Apache Spark 时遇到问题。我使用 spark-0.8.1-incubating,./sbt/sbt update./sbt/sbt compile 都可以正常工作。但是,当我执行 ./sbt/sbt assembly 时,会出现以下错误:

[info] Set current project to default-289e76 (in build  file:/node-insights/server/lib/spark-0.8.1-incubating/sbt/)   
[error] Not a valid command: assembly   
[error] Not a valid project ID: assembly   
[error] Not a valid configuration: assembly   
[error] Not a valid key: assembly   
[error] assembly   



current project set to default-289e76 消息表明 sbt 是从 Spark 源目录之外调用的:

$  /tmp  ./spark-0.8.1-incubating/sbt/sbt assembly
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/joshrosen/.dotfiles/.sbt/plugins/project
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/joshrosen/.dotfiles/.sbt/plugins
[info] Set current project to default-d0f036 (in build file:/private/tmp/)
[error] Not a valid command: assembly
[error] Not a valid project ID: assembly
[error] Not a valid configuration: assembly
[error] Not a valid key: assembly
[error] assembly
[error]         ^

spark-0.8.1-incubating 目录中运行 ./sbt/sbt assembly 工作正常(注意日志输出显示当前项目设置正确) :

$  spark-0.8.1-incubating  sbt/sbt assembly
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/joshrosen/.dotfiles/.sbt/plugins/project
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/joshrosen/.dotfiles/.sbt/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /private/tmp/spark-0.8.1-incubating/project/project
[info] Loading project definition from /private/tmp/spark-0.8.1-incubating/project
[info] Set current project to root (in build file:/private/tmp/spark-0.8.1-incubating/)

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