PowerShell 在创作者更新后显示奇怪的字符

标签 powershell

我刚刚在我的机器上安装了 Creators Update,在启动 PowerShell 时,我看到的不是干净的屏幕,而是一团糟:




来自 this article ,

"The problem with PowerShell showing gibberish is a font problem. Specifically, the update corrupted rasterized fonts. If PowerShell was set to display text in the corrupted font, you will see a wall of gibberish instead."


"On the Properties window, go to the Font tab. Here, you can change which font PowerShell uses. Select any font that isn’t listed under Rasterized fonts. Close PowerShell for good measure and open it again. The problem should be resolved."

关于PowerShell 在创作者更新后显示奇怪的字符,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43626534/


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