java - 在可重入锁中等待条件

标签 java synchronization

以下代码取自 JavaDoc of Condition :

class BoundedBuffer {
  final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
  final Condition notFull  = lock.newCondition(); 
  final Condition notEmpty = lock.newCondition(); 

  final Object[] items = new Object[100];
  int putptr, takeptr, count;

  public void put(Object x) throws InterruptedException {
    try {
      while (count == items.length) 
      items[putptr] = x; 
      if (++putptr == items.length) putptr = 0;
    } finally {

  public Object take() throws InterruptedException {
    try {
      while (count == 0) 
      Object x = items[takeptr]; 
      if (++takeptr == items.length) takeptr = 0;
      return x;
    } finally {

想象 2 个线程,ConsumerProducer,一个使用 take,一个 put 在单个实例上有界缓冲区

假设 Consumer 首先运行,运行 take(),他在其中锁定 lock,现在在 notEmpty.await 上循环();

现在 Producer 怎么可能进入 put() 方法而不是锁定 已经持有的 lock消费者

我在这里缺少什么? lock 在线程等待其条件之一时是否“临时释放”?那么锁的reentrancy到底是什么意思?


Locksynchronized 都允许一个线程在等待时放弃锁,而另一个线程可以获得锁。要停止等待,线程必须重新获取锁。


来自 Condition.await()

The lock associated with this Condition is atomically released and the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until one of four things happens:

  • Some other thread invokes the signal() method for this Condition and the current thread happens to be chosen as the thread to be awakened; or
  • Some other thread invokes the signalAll() method for this Condition; or
  • Some other thread interrupts the current thread, and interruption of thread suspension is supported; or
  • A "spurious wakeup" occurs.

In all cases, before this method can return the current thread must re-acquire the lock associated with this condition. When the thread returns it is guaranteed to hold this lock

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