artificial-intelligence - A* PathFinding 性能不佳

标签 artificial-intelligence d path-finding a-star

经过几个小时的调试,该算法似乎有效。现在要检查它是否有效,我正在检查 while 循环退出时到 currentNode 位置的结束节点位置。到目前为止,这些值看起来是正确的。问题是,我离当前静止的 NPC 越远,性能就越差。它达到了游戏无法播放低于 10 fps 的地步。我当前的 PathGraph 是 2500 个节点,我认为这个节点很小,对吗?关于如何提高性能的任何想法?

struct Node
    bool walkable;      //Whether this node is blocked or open
    vect2 position;     //The tile's position on the map in pixels
    int xIndex, yIndex; //The index values of the tile in the array
    Node*[4] connections; //An array of pointers to nodes this current node connects to
    Node* parent;
    int gScore;
    int hScore;
    int fScore;

class AStar
    SList!Node openList;    //List of nodes who have been visited, with F scores but not processed
    SList!Node closedList;  //List of nodes who have had their connections processed

    //Node*[4] connections;     //The connections of the current node;

    Node currentNode;           //The current node being processed

    Node[] Path;        //The path found;

    const int connectionCost = 10;

    Node start, end;


    void AddToList(ref SList!Node list, ref Node node )
        list.insert( node );

    void RemoveFrom(ref SList!Node list, ref Node node )
        foreach( elem; list )
            if( node.xIndex == elem.xIndex && node.yIndex == elem.yIndex )
                auto a = find( list[] , elem );
                list.linearRemove( take(a, 1 ) );

    bool IsInList( SList!Node list, ref Node node )
        foreach( elem; list )
            if( node.xIndex == elem.xIndex && node.yIndex == elem.yIndex )
                return true;

        return false;

    void ClearList( SList!Node list )

    void SetParentNode( ref Node parent, ref Node child )
        child.parent = &parent;

    void SetStartAndEndNode( vect2 vStart, vect2 vEnd, Node[] PathGraph )
        int startXIndex, startYIndex;
        int endXIndex, endYIndex;

        startXIndex = cast(int)( vStart.x / 32 );
        startYIndex = cast(int)( vStart.y / 32 );

        endXIndex = cast(int)( vEnd.x / 32 );
        endYIndex = cast(int)( vEnd.y / 32 );

        foreach( node; PathGraph )
            if( node.xIndex == startXIndex && node.yIndex == startYIndex )
                start = node;
            if( node.xIndex == endXIndex && node.yIndex == endYIndex )
                end = node;

    void SetStartScores( ref Node start )
        start.gScore = 0;

        start.hScore = CalculateHScore( start, end );

        start.fScore = CalculateFScore( start );


    Node GetLowestFScore()
        Node lowest;

        lowest.fScore = 10000;

        foreach( elem; openList )
            if( elem.fScore < lowest.fScore )
                lowest = elem;

        return lowest;

    //This function current sets the program into an infinite loop
    //I still need to debug to figure out why the parent nodes aren't correct
    void GeneratePath()
        while( currentNode.position != start.position )
            Path ~= currentNode;
            currentNode = *currentNode.parent;

    void ReversePath()
        Node[] temp;
        for(int i = Path.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            temp ~= Path[i];
        Path = temp.dup;

    //@FIXME It seems to find the path, but now performance is terrible
    void FindPath( vect2 vStart, vect2 vEnd, Node[] PathGraph )

        SetStartAndEndNode( vStart, vEnd, PathGraph );
        SetStartScores( start );
        AddToList( openList, start );

        while( currentNode.position != end.position )
            currentNode = GetLowestFScore();

            if( currentNode.position == end.position )
                RemoveFrom( openList, currentNode );
                AddToList( closedList, currentNode );

                for( int i = 0; i < currentNode.connections.length; i++ )
                    if( currentNode.connections[i] is null )
                        if( IsInList( closedList, *currentNode.connections[i] ) 
                           && currentNode.gScore < currentNode.connections[i].gScore )
                            currentNode.connections[i].gScore = currentNode.gScore + connectionCost;
                                 currentNode.connections[i].hScore = abs( currentNode.connections[i].xIndex - end.xIndex ) 
                            + abs(     currentNode.connections[i].yIndex - end.yIndex );
                            currentNode.connections[i].fScore =     currentNode.connections[i].gScore +   currentNode.connections[i].hScore;
                            currentNode.connections[i].parent = &currentNode;
                        else if( IsInList( openList, *currentNode.connections[i] ) 
                                && currentNode.gScore < currentNode.connections[i].gScore )
                            currentNode.connections[i].gScore = currentNode.gScore + connectionCost;
                            currentNode.connections[i].hScore = abs( currentNode.connections[i].xIndex - end.xIndex ) 
                            + abs(     currentNode.connections[i].yIndex - end.yIndex );
                            currentNode.connections[i].fScore = currentNode.connections[i].gScore + currentNode.connections[i].hScore;
                            currentNode.connections[i].parent = &currentNode;

                            currentNode.connections[i].gScore = currentNode.gScore + connectionCost;
                            currentNode.connections[i].hScore = abs( currentNode.connections[i].xIndex - end.xIndex ) 
                            + abs( currentNode.connections[i].yIndex - end.yIndex );
                             currentNode.connections[i].fScore = currentNode.connections[i].gScore +     currentNode.connections[i].hScore;
                            currentNode.connections[i].parent = &currentNode;
                            AddToList( openList, *currentNode.connections[i] );

        writeln( "Current Node Position: ", currentNode.position );
        writeln( "End Node Position: ", end.position );

        if( currentNode.position == end.position )
            writeln( "Current Node Parent: ", currentNode.parent );

    Node[] GetPath()
        return Path;



前者应该是 priority queue ( heap ),而后者最好实现为 哈希表 .

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