assembly - iret 和 iretd,iretq 和有什么不一样?

标签 assembly linux-kernel x86

我想在 Linux x86_64 服务器上模拟 iret 条件。

  • iret:操作数大小 16
  • iretd:操作数大小 32
  • iretq:操作数大小 64

  • 我无法分辨它们的区别,以及使用哪一种。

    我还有一个关于模拟 iret 的问题,你可以看看吗?


    从这里 link :

    IRET returns from an interrupt (hardware or software) by means of popping IP (or EIP), CS, and the flags off the stack and then continuing execution from the new CS:IP.

    IRETW pops IP, CS and the flags as 2 bytes each, taking 6 bytes off the stack in total. IRETD pops EIP as 4 bytes, pops a further 4 bytes of which the top two are discarded and the bottom two go into CS, and pops the flags as 4 bytes as well, taking 12 bytes off the stack.

    IRET is a shorthand for either IRETW or IRETD, depending on the default BITS setting at the time.

    IRETQ 也非常相似

    关于assembly - iret 和 iretd,iretq 和有什么不一样?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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