twitter-bootstrap - Bower:使用 bower 安装旧版 Bootstrap (2.3.2)

标签 twitter-bootstrap bower

我有一个使用 bootstrap 2.3.2 的开源 web 应用程序,目前我无法迁移到 bootstrap 3(完全不同的网格系统) - 我正在尝试移动 webapp 以使用 bower 来处理依赖关系,但是 bower install bootstrap#2.3.2获取看起来像未构建的原始代码仓库的东西,例如没有 css 文件夹,只有单独的 less文件,没有人缩小 bootstrap.min.js但是多个不同的插件(未连接)等..



你做的一切都是正确的。看看README对于 v2.3.2github

Bootstrap includes a makefile with convenient methods for working with the framework. Before getting started, be sure to install the necessary local dependencies:

$ npm install When completed, you'll be able to run the various make commands provided:

build - make

Runs the recess compiler to rebuild the /less files and compiles the docs. Requires recess and uglify-js.

test - make test

Runs jshint and qunit tests headlessly in phantomjs (used for ci). Depends on having phantomjs installed.

watch - make watch

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