scala - 按列 "grp"分组并压缩 DataFrame -(按列 "ord"对每列排序取最后一个非空值)

标签 scala apache-spark aggregate-functions aggregation


|  1|    null|  3|null|  11|
|  2|    null|  2| xxx|  22|
|  1|    null|  1| yyy|null|
|  2|    null|  7|null|  33|
|  1|    null| 12|null|null|
|  2|    null| 19|null|  77|
|  1|    null| 10| s13|null|
|  2|    null| 11| a23|null|

这是带有评论的相同示例 DF,按 grp 排序和 ord :
scala> df.orderBy("grp", "ord").show
|  1|    null|  1| yyy|null|
|  1|    null|  3|null|  11|   # grp:1 - last value for `col2` (11)
|  1|    null| 10| s13|null|   # grp:1 - last value for `col1` (s13)
|  1|    null| 12|null|null|   # grp:1 - last values for `null_col`, `ord`
|  2|    null|  2| xxx|  22|   
|  2|    null|  7|null|  33|   
|  2|    null| 11| a23|null|   # grp:2 - last value for `col1` (a23)
|  2|    null| 19|null|  77|   # grp:2 - last values for `null_col`, `ord`, `col2`

我想压缩它。 IE。按列分组 "grp"对于每个组,按 "ord" 对行进行排序列并取最后not null每列中的值(如果有)。
|  1|    null| 12| s13|  11|
|  2|    null| 19| a23|  77|

  • How to select the first row of each group?
  • How to find first non-null values in groups? (secondary sorting using dataset api)

  • 但我真正的 DataFrame 有超过 250 列,所以我需要一个解决方案,我不必明确指定所有列。


  • 创建本地文件“/tmp/data.txt”并复制并粘贴DataFrame的上下文(如上面发布的那样)
  • 定义 function readSparkOutput() :
  • 将“/tmp/data.txt”解析为DataFrame:
    val df = readSparkOutput("file:///tmp/data.txt")

  • 更新:我认为它应该类似于以下SQL:
      grp, ord, null_col, col1, col2
    FROM (
          FIRST(null_col) OVER (PARTITION BY grp ORDER BY ord DESC) as null_col,
          FIRST(col1) OVER (PARTITION BY grp ORDER BY ord DESC) as col1,
          FIRST(col2) OVER (PARTITION BY grp ORDER BY ord DESC) as col2,
          ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY grp ORDER BY ord DESC) as rn
        FROM table_name) as v
    WHERE v.rn = 1;

    how can we dynamically generate such a Spark query?

    import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
    val win = Window
    val cols = => first(c, ignoreNulls=true).over(win).as(c))

    scala> cols
    res23: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Column] = Array(first(grp, true) OVER (PARTITION BY grp ORDER BY ord DESC NULLS LAST UnspecifiedFrame) AS `grp`, first(null_col, true) OVER (PARTITION BY grp ORDER BY ord DESC NULLS LAST UnspecifiedFrame) AS `null_col`, first(ord, true) OVER (PARTITION BY grp ORDER BY ord DESC NULLS LAST UnspecifiedFrame) AS `ord`, first(col1, true) OVER (PARTITION BY grp ORDER BY ord DESC NULLS LAST UnspecifiedFrame) AS `col1`, first(col2, true) OVER (PARTITION BY grp ORDER BY ord DESC NULLS LAST UnspecifiedFrame) AS `col2`)

    但我无法将其传递给 :
    scala>, cols.tail: _*).show
    <console>:34: error: no `: _*' annotation allowed here
    (such annotations are only allowed in arguments to *-parameters)
 , cols.tail: _*).show

    scala> _*).show
    <console>:34: error: type mismatch;
     found   : String => org.apache.spark.sql.Column
     required: org.apache.spark.sql.Column => ?


    考虑以下应用窗口函数的方法 last(c, ignoreNulls=true)按每个“grp”的“ord”排序到每个选定的列;后跟一个 groupBy("grp")获取 first agg(colFcnMap)结果:

    import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
    import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
    val df0 = Seq(
      (1, 3, None, Some(11)),
      (2, 2, Some("aaa"), Some(22)),
      (1, 1, Some("s12"), None),
      (2, 7, None, Some(33)),
      (1, 12, None, None),
      (2, 19, None, Some(77)),
      (1, 10, Some("s13"), None),
      (2, 11, Some("a23"), None)
    ).toDF("grp", "ord", "col1", "col2")
    val df = df0.withColumn("null_col", lit(null))
    df.orderBy("grp", "ord").show
    // +---+---+----+----+--------+
    // |grp|ord|col1|col2|null_col|
    // +---+---+----+----+--------+
    // |  1|  1| s12|null|    null|
    // |  1|  3|null|  11|    null|
    // |  1| 10| s13|null|    null|
    // |  1| 12|null|null|    null|
    // |  2|  2| aaa|  22|    null|
    // |  2|  7|null|  33|    null|
    // |  2| 11| a23|null|    null|
    // |  2| 19|null|  77|    null|
    // +---+---+----+----+--------+
    val win = Window.partitionBy("grp").orderBy("ord").
      rowsBetween(0, Window.unboundedFollowing)
    val nonAggCols = Array("grp")
    val cols = df.columns.diff(nonAggCols)  // Columns to be aggregated
    val colFcnMap ="first")).toMap
    // colFcnMap: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] =
    //   Map(ord -> first, col1 -> first, col2 -> first, null_col -> first)
    cols.foldLeft(df)((acc, c) =>
        acc.withColumn(c, last(c, ignoreNulls=true).over(win))
      select(col("grp") ::{case (c, f) => col(s"$f($c)").as(c)}: _*).
    // +---+---+----+----+--------+
    // |grp|ord|col1|col2|null_col|
    // +---+---+----+----+--------+
    // |  1| 12| s13|  11|    null|
    // |  2| 19| a23|  77|    null|
    // +---+---+----+----+--------+

    注意最后的select用于从聚合列名称中剥离函数名称(在本例中为 first() )。

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