sublimetext3 - Sublime 中的深红色消息

标签 sublimetext3 sublimetext

安装 Sierra iOS 并将 Sublime 更新为 Build 3126 后,我在 Sublime Text 中收到这些奇怪的深红色消息。

Sublime Text inline errors screenshot



这些是内联构建错误。这是 Beta Build 3124 中的新功能(Dev Build 3118)。

Build errors are now shown inline, at the location the error occurred. This is done via the new Phantoms API, which allows HTML annotations to be added to the text buffer by plugins.

enter image description here

Inline build errors can be disabled via the show_errors_inline setting.

Sublime Text Blog

可以通过 show_errors_inline 禁用内联构建错误。环境。

Menu > Preferences > Settings (Preferences.sublime-settings - User)
    "show_errors_inline": false

Menu > Project > Edit Project
    "settings": {
        "show_errors_inline": false


Menu > Preferences > Key Bindings
    "keys": ["ctrl+l"],
    "command": "exec",
    "args": {
        "hide_phantoms_only": true

或者对于 vim 模式:
    "keys": ["ctrl+l"],
    "command": "exec",
    "args": {
        "hide_phantoms_only": true
    "context": [
        { "key": "setting.command_mode" }

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