laravel - 我如何获得 updated_at 和 created_at

标签 laravel laravel-4

我正在制作我的第一个 Larevel (4) 应用程序,我想显示它的创建日期,但我遇到了这个问题:发现意外数据。发现意外数据。发现意外数据。数据丢失

当我尝试在我的 Blade 模板中执行此操作时


    <h3>Name: {{ $user->name }}</h3>
    <p>Email: {{ $user->email }}</p>
    <p>Bio: {{ $user->bio }}</p>
  <p><small>{{ $user->created_at }}</small></p>

和我的 Controller

class UserController extends BaseController 
  public $restfull = true;

  public function get_index() {
    //$users = User::all();// gets them in the order of the database
    $users = User::orderBy("name")->get(); // gets alphabetic by name
    $v = View::make('users');
    $v->users = $users;
    $v->title = "list of users";
    return $v;

  public function get_view($id) {
    $user = User::find($id);
    $v = View::make('user');
    $v->user = $user;
    $v->title = "Viewing " . $user->name;
    return $v;



<p><small>{{ $user->created_at }}</small></p>" 



CREATE TABLE "users"("id"integer null primary key autoincrement, "email"varchar null, "name"varchar null, "bio"varchar null, "created_at"datetime null, "updated_at"datetime null );




class CreateTable extends Migration {

    public function up()
        Schema::create('users', function($table) {

/* also need function down()*/

我在我的 migrations 中插入了这样的内容来添加一些用户。

  class AddRows extends Migration {

  /* BAD: this does NOT! update the timestamps */ 

  public function up()
     DB::table('users')->insert( array('name' => 'Person') );

  /* GOOD: this auto updates the timestamps  */ 
  public function up()
      $user = new User;

      $user->name = "Jhon Doe";


现在,当您尝试使用 {{ $user->updated_at }}{{ $user->created_at }} 时,它将起作用! (假设您将 $user 传递给 View )

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