visual-studio - Visual Studio 不包括我指定的先决条件

标签 visual-studio deployment prerequisites setup-wizard

我有一个 Visual Studio 解决方案,它由一个 wpf 应用程序(project1)和一个安装项目组成。我需要这个先决条件:
enter image description here

当我单独部署 Project1 时,一切正常:

enter image description here

这是我告诉visual studio包含的先决条件......

但我想创建一个安装向导项目并将我的 Project1 与我想要部署的额外文件一起包含在内。当我创建该项目时,使用选择的发布选项和调试选项重新编译,以确保我包含我的项目构建,看看它的行为方式:

** 删除... 看看编辑。我在那里更详细地解释了一切**




步骤 1)

Create console application include the prerequisites that I want to include

enter image description here

步骤 2)

Set the target framework to .NET Framework 4

enter image description here

步骤 3)

Set this changes in the publish tab on properties:

enter image description here

enter image description here

设置 4)

Publish this solution without a a setup wizard.

enter image description here

设置 5)

Launch the setup file that was just created on a different clean machine

enter image description here

步骤 6)

Cancel the installation let's try to do the same thing with a setup project

enter image description here

步骤 7)

Once setup1 project is created let's add Console application to the project output

enter image description here

步骤 8)

Now my setup1 project looks like:

enter image description here

步骤 9)

Now I build that project and export it to my other computer where I want to test the installation

enter image description here

请注意,当我启动 Setup1.exe 时,它​​要安装 Windows Installer 3.1!!!!为什么????

步骤 10)

Ok whatever right.. Let's continue with the installaction let's accept and continue...

enter image description here


步骤 11)

Now windows download the installer (remember that I told visual studio in setting that I did not wanted to download anything...)

步骤 12)

Setup1.exe now installs the client version of .net framework

enter image description here

步骤 13-14)

Setup1.exe prompts me to install my console application I click next since the program is so small I did not had time to take a screen shot but now the installation is complete

enter image description here

Installation is now done



确保 Debug 和 Release 都设置为行为相同。

没有任何类型的缓存,如果它尝试安装 Windows Installer 3.1,那是因为人为错误。

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