puppet - 带有apt源的依赖循环

标签 puppet

我正在尝试在 https://github.com/dwerder/puppet-mongodb 安装 puppet 模块

它工作的要求之一是设置 mongodb 存储库。由于我试图在 Debian 上部署它,所以我尝试使用以下类来添加源代码:

class mongodb::apt::repo {
  include apt

  apt::source { '10gen':
    location   => 'http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/debian-sysvinit',
    release     => 'dist',
    repos       => '10gen',
    key         => '7F0CEB10',
    key_server  => 'keyserver.ubuntu.com',
    include_src => false

root@debian:/etc/puppet/modules# puppet agent --test
info: Caching catalog for debian.lan
info: Applying configuration version '1353946258'
err: Could not apply complete catalog: Found 1 dependency cycle:
(Exec[apt_update] => Class[Apt::Update] => Anchor[apt::source::10gen] => Anchor[apt::source::10gen] => Apt::Source[10gen] => Class[Mongodb::Apt::Repo] => Package[mongodb-10gen] => Anchor[mongodb::install::end] => Anchor[mongodb::install::end] => File[10gen.list] => Apt::Source[10gen])
Try the '--graph' option and opening the resulting '.dot' file in OmniGraffle or GraphViz

注意:完成目录运行时间为 0.06 秒

该类包含在模块的安装类中,位于 https://github.com/dwerder/puppet-mongodb/blob/master/manifests/install.pp




尝试生成图表的建议。将生成的点文件作为 gist 发布,以便我们进一步调查。

看看Debugging cycle or missing dependency .


关于puppet - 带有apt源的依赖循环,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13568748/


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