
标签 haskell fixpoint-combinators fixed-point-iteration


fixwith [(+)] [1]

因为整数应该计算所有的 N(自然数,1..)。我试着写它,但有些东西是缺乏的。这不是很有效,而且我感觉我对多参数函数的处理不是最优雅的。此外,是否可以使用内置 fix 编写函数而不是手动递归?
class OperatorN α β | β -> α where
    wrap_op :: β -> (Int, [α] -> α)

instance OperatorN α (() -> α) where
    wrap_op f = (0, \[] -> f ())

instance OperatorN α (α -> α) where
    wrap_op f = (1, \[x] -> f x)

instance OperatorN α ((α, α) -> α) where
    wrap_op f = (2, \[x, y] -> f (x, y))

instance OperatorN α ((α, α, α) -> α) where
    wrap_op f = (3, \[x, y, z] -> f (x, y, z))

instance OperatorN α ((α, α, α, α) -> α) where
    wrap_op f = (4, \[x, y, z, w] -> f (x, y, z, w))

type WrappedOp α = (Int, [α] -> α)
fixwith_next :: Eq α => [WrappedOp α] -> [α] -> [α]
fixwith_next ops s = List.nub (foldl (++) s (map g ops)) where
    g (0, f) = [f []]
    g (arity, f) = do
        x <- s
        let fx = \xs -> f (x:xs)
        g (arity - 1, fx)
fixwith ops s
    | next <- fixwith_next ops s
    , next /= s
    = fixwith ops next
fixwith _ s = s

> fixwith [wrap_op $ uncurry (*)] [-1 :: Int]
> fixwith [wrap_op $ uncurry (*)] [1 :: Int]
> fixwith [wrap_op $ max 3, wrap_op $ \() -> 0] [1 :: Int]


import qualified Control.RMonad as RMonad

class OperatorN α β | β -> α where
    wrap_op :: β -> (Int, [α] -> α)

instance OperatorN α (() -> α) where
    wrap_op f = (0, \[] -> f ())

instance OperatorN α (α -> α) where
    wrap_op f = (1, \[x] -> f x)

instance OperatorN α ((α, α) -> α) where
    wrap_op f = (2, \[x, y] -> f (x, y))

instance OperatorN α ((α, α, α) -> α) where
    wrap_op f = (3, \[x, y, z] -> f (x, y, z))

instance OperatorN α ((α, α, α, α) -> α) where
    wrap_op f = (4, \[x, y, z, w] -> f (x, y, z, w))

type WrappedOp α = (Int, [α] -> α)

fixwith_next :: Ord α => [WrappedOp α] -> Set α -> Set α
fixwith_next ops s = Set.unions $ s : map g ops where
    g (0, f) = RMonad.return $ f []
    g (arity, f) = s RMonad.>>= \x ->
        g (arity - 1, \xs -> f (x:xs))
fixwith' ops s
    | next <- fixwith_next ops s
    , next /= s
    = fixwith' ops next
fixwith' _ s = s
fixwith ops s = Set.toList $ fixwith' ops (Set.fromList s)


notin :: Ord α => Set α -> Set α -> Set α
notin = flip Set.difference

class Ord α => OperatorN α β | β -> α where
    next_values :: β -> Set α -> Set α

instance Ord α => OperatorN α (α -> α) where
    next_values f s = notin s $ s RMonad.>>= \x -> RMonad.return (f x)

instance Ord α => OperatorN α (α -> α -> α) where
    next_values f s = s RMonad.>>= \x -> next_values (f x) s

instance Ord α => OperatorN α (α -> α -> α -> α) where
    next_values f s = s RMonad.>>= \x -> next_values (f x) s

instance Ord α => OperatorN α (α -> α -> α -> α -> α) where
    next_values f s = s RMonad.>>= \x -> next_values (f x) s

-- bind lambdas with next_values
fixwith_next :: Ord α => [Set α -> Set α] -> Set α -> Set α
fixwith_next nv_bnd s = Set.unions $ map (\f -> f s) nv_bnd -- bound next values

fixwith' :: Ord α => [Set α -> Set α] -> Set α -> [α]
fixwith' ops s@(fixwith_next ops -> next)
    | Set.size next == 0 = []
    | otherwise = (Set.toList next) ++ fixwith' ops (Set.union s next)
fixwith ops s = (Set.toList s) ++ fixwith' ops s
fixwith_lst ops = fixwith ops . Set.fromList

> take 3 $ fixwith [next_values (+2)] (Set.fromList [1])




您对 arity 的处理非常务实。有许多不同的方法可以让它少一点样板。见 one of my previous answers一种这样的方式。我相信最终也会有人加入并添加另一个令人兴奋的基于类型级数字的解决方案。 =)

为了提高效率,我不确定您是否可以仅使用 Eq 做得更好反正实例。您可以考虑过滤掉 s (本地)g 调用结果中的值函数——即让fixwith_next只返回新元素。这应该可以使终止检查更快,甚至可以有一个高效、懒惰的 fixwith .

如果您不介意严格要求 Ord例如,使用真实的 Set s 也可能会提高效率。

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