comments - 没有应用程序ID的中等评论插件?

标签 comments facebook-javascript-sdk facebook-comments

我从 创建了一个评论插件

它没有应用程序 ID。我怎样才能缓和它?

或者如果它必须有一个 ID,我如何将应用程序 ID 放入现有的评论插件?


将您的 id 添加到您的元数据中

To moderate, you need to list yourself as an admin. To do this, simply include open graph meta tags on the URL specified as the href parameter of the plugin. These tags must be included in the of the document. Include

<meta property="fb:admins" content="{YOUR_FACEBOOK_USER_ID}"/>


If your site has many comments boxes, we strongly recommend you specify a Facebook app id as the administrator (all administrators of the app will be able to moderate comments). Doing this enables a moderator interface on Facebook where comments from all plugins administered by your app id can be easily moderated together. You can choose to specify either fb:app_id or fb:admins, but not both. This tag should be specified in the .

<meta property="fb:app_id" content="{YOUR_APPLICATION_ID}"/>


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