haskell - 如何在 Haskell 中工作的返回类型上获得 'unpredictable' 重载?

标签 haskell polymorphism overloading typeclass

我有一些类型的实例。我们称它们为 A、B 和 C。它们都是类型类 X 的实例。现在我想创建一个单独的函数 create给定一些输入(比如说一个字符串),它会创建一个 A、B 或 C 的实例。类型系统无法知道什么输入将给出什么类型。那是 Haskell 不喜欢的东西,我想我知道答案,但我想确定一下。我得到的当前错误是:

• Couldn't match expected type ‘c’ with actual type ‘GCCCommand’
  ‘c’ is a rigid type variable bound by
    the type signature for:
      compiler :: forall c. CompilerCommand c => String -> c
    at src/System/Command/Typed/CC.hs:29:1-44
• In the expression: gcc path
  In an equation for ‘compiler’:
      compiler path
        | exe == "g++" || exe == "gcc" || exe == "cc" || exe == "cpp"
        = gcc path
            exe = takeFileName path
• Relevant bindings include
    compiler :: String -> c
      (bound at src/System/Command/Typed/CC.hs:31:1)


data SuperX = SuperA A | SuperB B | SuperC C

create :: String -> SuperX
-- create can now be implemented

instance X SuperX where
  -- a lot of boilerplate code ...




如果您以后的处理不关心它是否得到 A , 一个 B , 或 C , 只是它得到了实现 X 的东西...

restOfProgram :: X a => a -> ThingIWantToCompute

parseABC :: (X a => a -> r) -> String -> Maybe r
parseABC f "A" = Just (f A)
parseABC f ('B':xs) = Just (f (B xs))
parseABC f ('C':xs) = Just (f (C (read xs)))
parseABC _ _ = Nothing

data SomeX where
  SomeX :: X t => t -> SomeX

parseABC :: String -> Maybe SomeX
parseABC "A" = Just (SomeX A)
parseABC ('B':xs) = Just (SomeX (B xs))
parseABC ('C':xs) = Just (SomeX (C (read xs)))
parseABC _ _ = Nothing

restOfProgram' :: SomeX -> ThingIWantToCompute
restOfProgram' (SomeX t) = restOfProgram t

如果后面的处理对A有不同的路径, BC ,您可能希望返回一个总和类型,如 SuperX .

关于haskell - 如何在 Haskell 中工作的返回类型上获得 'unpredictable' 重载?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53837669/


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