Terraform "value of ' 计数'无法计算 : why?

标签 terraform


resource "azurerm_sql_firewall_rule" "allow_app_server" {
  count = "${length(split(",", azurerm_app_service.backend.outbound_ip_addresses))}"

  depends_on = ["azurerm_app_service.backend"]

  name                = "${format("Allow App Service Plan %d", count.index)}"
  start_ip_address    = "${element(split(",", azurerm_app_service.backend.possible_outbound_ip_addresses), count.index)}"
  end_ip_address      = "${element(split(",", azurerm_app_service.backend.possible_outbound_ip_addresses), count.index)}"
  resource_group_name = "${var.environment_resource_group_name}"
  server_name         = "${var.db_server_name}"

resource "azurerm_app_service" "backend" {
   # properties ommitted for brevity

现在当我运行时 terraform plan ,它与消息错误

azurerm_sql_firewall_rule.allow_app_server: value of 'count' cannot be computed




count = "${length(split(',', azurerm_app_service.backend.outbound_ip_addresses))}"

关于Terraform "value of ' 计数'无法计算 : why?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54129495/


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